Spilsby Markets Committee – Report Summary of feedback and how to move forward.

Spilsby Markets Committee – Report

A couple of engagement sessions were held to try and establish what the residents of Spilsby thought the markets future looked like


Spilsby is a market town and has had a market on a Monday for centuries.  However with declining footfall in the town on a Monday it  has become apparent that something needs to be done to reinvigorate the market. A group of Town Councillors formed a “Markets Committee” with the view of working to try and change what has become a woefully inadequate and undesirable markets provision.   We held 2 markets forums in the town to allow residents to give us their ideas and ways of improving the market.  Below is some of the feedback we received


Markets Forums Feedback:

Not enough traders

Not enough variety of stalls

Wrong day  - Could it be on a Saturday

Better publicity

Entertainment on market day

Pop – up variety markets – Lincolnshire day, Halloween, Easter ETC

Cost too high for stall holders

Car boots sales


Moving forwards

How do we look to reinvigorate the market offering in the town? A change in shopping habits has meant that a high number of people now do some, if not all of their shopping online. It is convenient and often cheaper than walking around shops and markets.  In 2024 a large number of people now visit markets for more that just their weekly shop, they use it as a day out with family and friends, an opportunity for lunch or coffee and somewhere to visit with their children.  Often whilst there purchases are made that are different from normal weekly items and are of an “artisan” nature.  Whilst in the Town they use local facilities – restaurants, pubs and shops and they visit local attractions or areas if interest.  If a regular market is held ie once a month, they return each time for a nice day out and to get repeat purchases of their favourite items.  An example of this is Wragby Market.  This market is independently run and aims to give back to the local community. It has a variety of stalls and a lot of return customer. It is held once a month and has a special Christmas Edition.  It is always well attended with many repeat customers.  They have a number of stall, but not too many as to make the customer feel overwhelmed.


Plans for the further

  • Move the market day- subject to ELDC being able to facilitate
  • Move to 1/month instead of weekly and only do it through the spring/summer
  • Take the booking of the stalls in house – as is already done for the Christmas Market. This allows us to regulate the variety of stalls and the cost for stall holders plus the potential of giving back profits
  • Provide entertainment – use local performers to reduce costs and help to give back to the community
  • Re-launch on a big scale in the Spring – to bring excitement and wonder to the event
  • Reduce the cost if stalls book for the whole season – April to October
  • Gather volunteers to help with organisation
  • Encourage local stall holders

Published: Wednesday, 9th October 2024