Spilsby Town Council & Halton Holegate Parish Council Meeting with Gleesons Homes
Wednesday 12 June 2024, 12.30pm
At Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby
Cllr T Taylor (STC), Cllr E Marsh (STC),Cllr M Wragg (STC), Cllr M Gibson (STC), Cllr D Sisson (HHPC),
Cllr C Edwards (HHPC), Cllr W Bowkett (LCC), D Braddy (Witham 4th IDB), S Ross (ELDC), A Baptie (LCC),
T Holmes (LCC), M Smith (Gleesons) & M Rawlinson (Gleesons).
S Thomas (Deputy Town Clerk – STC)
1. Welcome & Introductions
Chair of the Meeting, Cllr Taylor welcomed all present and asked all attending to introduce themselves.
2. Status of current Reserves Matters Application
Mr Smith explained that the Reserved Matters Application was lodged in February and after some further plans were submitted after the main application, validation was received in March. Some consultation letters have already been received. The planning application has been outsourced to a third party by ELDC and a planning performance has been signed by the relevant parties and are resourcing through that process. A further meeting is planned with ELDC once the consultation period has finished, which is imminent.
Reasons why a focused reserved matters application was submitted and not an overall application
Mr Smith reported that a full Reserved Matters Application has been lodged for all of the reserved matters with the exception of access, which has already been approved. The reason why there are no details on drainage and off-site highways is that they not reserved matters, they are condition of matters within the outline permission and need to be approved but will be the subject of a Condition Discharge Application which will follow on. Gleesons are currently working on this in terms of producing the documentation.
Phasing Plans including access proposals and spine road construction.
Mr Smith reported that Phasing Plans were submitted together with other documentation
Site Boundary Issues (South East Corner)
Cllr Sisson explained that in the South East corner of the site the plan shows that the estate wraps around two properties where it should only show it wrapping around one. The plan in the Design and Access Statement is correct. Mr Rawlinson explained that the plan is not a boundary map. Gleesons have the title documentation for the whole of the site and the boundary map shows what the current Vendors own and this will be the official line. This will be looked into further.
Mr Smith reported that he was not aware of any specific issues with the boundaries, but was happy to discuss them. He explained that there are sometimes issues with Land Registry Plans and physical boundaries being different. If the discrepancy is small, it can be easily rectified with the land owner. Anything more significant, can be looked into further and rectified.
Cllr Taylor explained that the installation of the spine road was an issue and asked for confirmation that the whole of the road from the north to the south of the site would be installed. Mr Smith explained that although Gleesons are the lead name on the application, Cyden Homes are developing the site in conjunction with Gleesons. Cyden Homes are developing the land on the North side and Gleesons are developing the land on the South side including the Health Centre. This will be done at the same time so construction of the spine road will be done by the individual contractors and will meet midway. There are contractual requirements between the two developers in terms of timescale, but it will be done in phases by the contractors and will be completed prior to the properties being built.
Cllr Rose explained that there was some concern that all construction traffic would be coming through Spilsby Town Centre and gain access to the site from Halton Road and that it would be preferable if access to the site was gained from Ashby Road. Cllr Taylor said that a lot of Agricultural traffic comes through Town and along Halton Road and the addition of construction traffic would add to this issue.
Cllr Bowkett said that the full installation of the spine road should be a priority. £380,000 has been spent on improvements to Halton Road so access from Ashby Road is imperative.
Mr Rawlinson explained that this can be put in the Construction Management Plan, and details what vehicles can come through the Town Centre and at what time.
Cllr Wragg was concerned that the Spine Road would become a shortcut between Ashby Road and Halton Road. Mr Rawlinson explained that this was a major concern at the outline planning stage and Gleesons are putting in a number of hard turns, which the planning authority have agreed to. The Highways Department have insisted that it is more of a ‘Country Lane’ rather than a full 5m road. This is to try and discourage it being used in this way.
3. Time Frame for and details of future reserved matter application(s)
Mr Smith explained that the Conditions Discharge Application covers the full drainage details and off-site highways works. The Construction Management Plan is the next stage but doesn’t know the time frame for this, but is being worked on.
Mr Rawlinson explained that there are a couple of surveys currently being carried out with regard to Biodiversity and Net Gains. Water Voles have been discovered on the site together with Badgers and Newts and cameras are running on site picking up Wildlife. He said that the site has had to be redesigned around the Badgers as they cannot be moved. The Newts are off site but they are close enough where attention is needed.
Cllr Sisson said that the time frame with regards to highways and flooding is crucial. Mr Rawlinson reassured the attendees that the Technical Team are currently carrying out surveys and have employed Consultants to come up with solutions and ideas regarding the potential flooding issues. When ready, the plan will be taken to the Statutory Consultees for approval. Mr Rawlinson commented that there is a tremendous amount of work taking place in the background so that this can be moved on in a satisfactory manner.
Mr Baptie commended that he had been in discussions with Cllr Sisson about the issue of flooding and asked if Gleesons had discussed flooding with either the County Council or District Council. He feels this is of great concern and that both Councils need to be able to influence some of the design aspects on the site. Mr Smith reported that they are keen to have their proposed plans discussed at ELDC PAD meetings and feels that they are really productive. The Local Internal Drainage Board have also been in contact and Gleesons are keen to set up a meeting with them too. Mr Ross explained that PAD meetings are due to take place in July and August. Mr Smith agreed that their Technical Team would like to attend these meetings.
Mr Baptie asked if there were any plans in bettering some of the current features off site. Mr Smith said that this could be discussed at either a PAD or separate meeting with the Technical Team.
Mr Braddy explained that although the site sits out of the Witham Fourth IDB extended area, ultimately it discharges into their catchment area and is concerned not only by the rate of discharge but also the volume and asked if there is enough capacity for the volume of water being discharged. He suggested that a meeting be held to discuss this and suggested that may be there should be some changes to the Attenuation Ponds.
Mr Smith agreed that the drainage plans will be submitted once all parties have approved them and before the Reserved Matters Application.
Mr Rawlinson confirmed that the plans currently show two large Attenuation features together with several others. What has been put in the contract for the purchase of the land is that it can be increased if needed
Cllr Sisson explained that the current systems are now way beyond their design standard. All were built in the 1970’s or before when rainfall was less. By designing something on current regulations they are still going to be overwhelmed. He urged that this Technical Meeting be carried out as a matter of urgency with all relevant parties.
4. Flooding & Drainage
Surface Water
Foul Water (Sewage)
Mr Rawlinson explained that a site meeting had been conducted with Anglian Water and have come up with a concept which Consultants are currently designing to Anglian Water’s current design standards. Originally, there was a large amount of foul water being brought back through the Town and out to the treatment centre on the South side. Anglian Water have suggested taking it back through the site using a large pump which is close to the attenuation units. This will take it to the treatment centre more efficiently and negate the need to carry out work in the Town Centre and be more cost effective. The whole development will go onto a new system. Cllr Sisson explained that the Water Treatment centre is in Halton Holegate and the foul water from Spilsby currently goes into two pumped mains and asked will a new mains pump be installed. Mr Rawlinson said that this appears to be what Anglian Water are asking for but will contact the Technical Team for clarification.
Cllr Rose asked if the land around the properties will be porous to alleviate the risk of flooding on the development. Mr Ross explained that this is now a standard design feature together with permeable surfaces. Mr Rawlinson reported that one of Gleesons design standards is that there are gardens both at the front and rear of each property which goes someway to absorbing some of the moisture.
Mr Smith mentioned that previously Gleesons have had a Restricted Covenant on their properties where gardens couldn’t be paved over, but enforcing this is difficult. Mr Ross suggested that a Management Company is taken on to enforce this. Mr Rawlinson said that a Management Company for the site will be brought in.
Cllr Rose asked if in the future could a large reservoir be built where excess water is stored that can be used by Farmers in times of drought. Cllr Sisson explained that this is one of the solutions being considered following the issues with the rivers Steeping and Lymn. This would most probably be around Sausthorpe. For the future benefit of all the river systems this will be the most effective solution.
5. Highways Matters
Construction Traffic access
Local Highway improvements
Cllr Bowkett reported that Lincolnshire County Council had put their thoughts to Gleesons about improvements to the roads in Spilsby, but was disappointed to find out that the developers were not going to do anything to improve the crossings. She explained that it was agreed that there should be a crossing on Ashby Road but also that there be a change to the crossing near the crossroads as there will be a lot of extra traffic. She also asked about improvements to footpaths especially as it leads to the new Health Centre.
Mr Smith reported that these issues are being worked on and that their plan does show a crossing and that it is part of the Conditional Discharge Application. His understanding is that there are some issues that can’t be overcome. From what he has seen on the list of conditions, everyone of them has a solution with the exception of one which appears to be the widening of a footpath as it is outside of the adopted extent of the highway. Technically it is under the ownership of the individual properties and does create a problem in physically and legally being able to do it.
Cllr Bowkett also asked if Gleesons could re-look at the issue of parking. The developers had initially suggested having a parking area available for some existing properties on Halton Road to alleviate parking on the road as there will be double yellow lines there. Cllr Taylor said that a lot of residents living on Halton Road already park at the top of Tasman Road and this is now becoming quite dangerous, although Highways have done their best, it no longer works.
Preservation of public footpath within site
Cllr Edwards asked what was being to preserve the public footpath going through the site during construction.
Mr Smith explained that in terms of the final development, all of the public footpaths will be respected, kept and enhanced as part of their proposals. During construction, it is part of the Construction Management Plan that they may be closed, but there would be some temporary diversions and they would be closed for the minimum amount of time.
Mr Baptie asked if Gleesons had been in discussions with the Lincolnshire County Council Countryside Team as potentially there could be some changes made to enhance the Public Footpaths and encourage people to use them. Mr Smith said that they haven’t spoken to them so far, but it is part of their proposals to promote open spaces, places to play and places where people of all ages could take part in outdoor activities. This is something that they could do in the future.
Cllr Rose asked who would be responsible for the open spaces on the development. Mr Smith replied that there is always the option for the local authority to take responsibility for them. Ultimately though, it will be a Management Company.
Mr Braddy asked if part of the contract with the Management Company could include at least an annual inspecton of the drainage system and attenuation ponds together with inspections during and after any significant rainfall or storm event. Mr Smith said that all of the Management Companies that they use are of a size where this can be included.
6. Other Matters
Health Care Facility
Cllr Rose asked for clarification of the current situation for the construction of the new Health Care Centre. Mr Rawlinson explained that the Health Centre has already got planning permission and in theory could be built straight away. Unfortunately, due to the layout of the site, there are some technical challenges. It can’t start until the overhead cables have been dealt with, as one of the main cables runs straight through middle of the Medical Centre site. The Technical Team have been working for some time to get it diverted. Once planning permission for the whole site is obtained, the priority is to get access for the Medical Centre construction team. This team are currently arranging their contracts so that as soon as they can get on, site construction can start. Getting the overhead cables diverted is quite a complex legal process and can take up to 12 months and they have been working on it for almost 5 months now. The idea is that once permission has been granted the land can be bought and transferred to the company who construct these buildings on behalf of the NHS. Gleesons will install a haul road. Finance for the Health Centre has been approved. Cllr Bowkett explained that it has also been approved by the ICB Board. Mr Rawlinson reported that he is in regular contact with the Medical Centre construction team. Mr Braddy asked if the water surface sewers for the Medical Centre come under Section 104 or Section 38. Mr Smith said that he didn’t know, but asked if they had a preference. Mr Smith can only assume that it is standard procedure for this type of construction.
Cllr Rose asked if the infrastructure for a CCTV system would be installed before the roads are built.
Cllr Taylor explained that Spilsby Town Council are responsible for the CCTV system in Spilsby and is the Town Council’s biggest expenditure. The Town has had issues in the past with anti-social behavour. With an increase in population once the new estate is complete this needs to be preempted. Mr Smith explained that this could be included in the Technical Agreement process and the Road Section agreement.
Cllr Bowkett asked if Electric Charging Points would be installed at every property and Mr Smith confirmed that they would and more sub-stations would be needed to accommodate this. An appropriate allowance and design will be made for the right amount of sub-stations. Cllr Bowkett asked if Solar Panels would be fitted to all of the properties. Mr Smith confirmed that all properties will have air source heat pumps. The design of the properties means that there is a lack of available roof space.
Mr Baptie asked if any consideration had been given about the effects the new estate would have on the Fire Service in Spilsby and suggested that maybe there should be some changes to the crew arrangements. Cllr Marsh explained that Spilsby Fire Station are offering almost 100% operational cover and are a very good station compared to others in the County. Mr Baptie suggested that the developers could contribute to assisting with the costs in training any future Fire Officers.
Mr Baptie also asked if Telemetry would be fitted into some of the discharge points as an early warning of any potential issues. Mr Smith said that again this is something that needs to be discussed with the Technical Team but would be considered.
Green Space, Sporting Facilities, Recreation & Play Areas
Mr Smith explained that they had, that morning, attended a meeting with the Spilsby Recreation Ground Committee to discuss their proposed improvements to the Playing Field and Pavillion. The new housing development is large and there is an abundance of green spaces on site. Play Areas and Recreational Areas have also been included on the plan. In respect of Sporting Facilities, it is of more benefit to contribute to the Spilsby Recreation Ground project rather than provide something new on the development. Cllr Bowkett asked if more could be done on the new development and have a small play area built together with a couple of mini football pitches. Mr Smith replied that they wouldn’t have an issue if some football/baseball nets were put up in an area within the development.
Mr Rawlinson explained that the design for leisure activities in the development are exceptional. There is a ‘Nature Area’, and a ‘Trim Trail’ has also been designed within the plan. There will be seating areas within the development to encourage people to sit outside together with two dedicated play areas.
Cllr Bowkett asked if a small shop would be built within the development. Mr Rawlinson explained that following discussions with the Planning Officer, they were keen not to take trade away from the Town Centre, but did see the value in having either a small shop or café/shop in the development and the developers could help facilitate this.
Management Company
This was discussed earlier in the meeting.
Road Naming
Mr Smith reported that they are confused as to how much control the developers have over the naming of roads. They will take on board any suggestions, but there are rules. Cllr Bowkett suggested that Spilsby Town Council put it to the residents of Spilsby to suggest road names. Mr Smith explained that the developers can make suggestions or request certain road names but don’t get the final say. Suggested road names should be submitted to the developers. The site would have approximately 15/20 roads/streets.
Mr Baptie asked if there was any consideration in making the Attenuation Ponds larger than planned. Mr Smith replied that the current attenuation ponds should be sufficient, but if necessary could be made larger, but costs are involved.
7. AOB & Closure
Cllr Sisson took the opportunity to thank Mr Smith and Mr Rawlinson for attending the meeting and explained that both Spilsby Town Council and Halton Holegate Parish Council together with East Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire County Council will support Gleesons Homes and Cyden Homes with the development and asked them to continue to keep all channels of correspondence open.
Meeting Closed at 3.00pm.