FC January 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 24th January, 2024 at 6:00pm in Franklin Hall, Spilsby. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Town Clerk - J Sargent and Deputy Town Clerk - S Thomas.
There were 3 residents in attendance.
Public Session
Resident 1 asked if devolution in Lincolnshire would help Spilsby in any way. Cllr Kemp advised that it is not yet clear what effect devolution will have in Spilsby but is to attend a meeting on Friday 26th January 2024 to discuss devolution and how it will affect the area.
County Cllr Bowkett advised that it’s hoped it will bring in more funding to be used for improving the roads, local health services and schools. However, this is yet to be confirmed.
The Town Clerk sought clarification as to whether the calculations on the additional funding included the two other county Councils that make up Greater Lincolnshire. Cllr Bowkett explained that it does also include the two other areas. It is hoped that devolution will attract more funding which will ultimately benefit everyone.
Lincolnshire County Council have today received an extra £7 Million for Adult Social Care. This year’s budget for Adult Social Care is now £670 Million.
To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Councillor W Bowkett
County Cllr Bowkett said that Lincolnshire County Council have been hosting devolution consultations where the public can attend and ask questions on what devolution will mean for the County. There is also a page on the Lincolnshire County Council Website about devolution and members of the public are able to complete the consultation form.
There has been damage to the new road surface on Eresby Avenue; it has been assessed for further repair works by the contractors. The potholes and damage to the road at the entrance to Old Market Avenue is on the schedule of works for repair.
LCC Highways are working with Gleesons (the lead developers of the proposed new estate on Halton Road) to ensure that all of the recommendations are agreed. Surface water issues that will enter the River Steeping remain a concern to residents in the surrounding Parishes down river. Repairs to the surface on Halton Road have been delayed due to the proposed housing development. The road will need to be widened to accommodate an increase in traffic and changes will be needed to improve access to the new estate.
LCC are calling on the Government to provide further financial support due to continued funding cuts. An extra £40 million is needed to clear the roads maintenance backlog in Lincolnshire.
A member of the public asked whether the footpaths on Boston Road will be resurfaced. Cllr Bowkett explained that the footpaths are on the schedule of works for 2024. Cllr Bowkett mentioned ‘Fix My Street’ as a valuable for reporting potholes and other issues which are relayed to the relevant authority.
Cllr Bowkett asked the Town Council object to the installation of new electric pylons planned to go across the county from Grimsby to Walpole. Other options are available the National Grid, however, advised that pylons will be the cheapest option.
To receive a report from District County Councillor E Marsh
District Cllr E Marsh circulated a report via email prior to the meeting. In addition, Cllr E Marsh reported the District Councillor grant of £2,000.00 a year available to donate in the community. Cllr E Marsh has provided donations to the Spilsby Christian Fellowship and the New Life Centre. Cllr Marsh advised there is some of the allocation still available, and appealed to community groups to submit requests in the current financial year. A new grant allocation will be available from April 2024.
Subscriptions for the Green Waste Bins is now open for residents to either renew or take up new ones.
Cllr Marsh reported that the December Christmas Market was a great success despite the cold and ice and thanked Cllr Bowkett for arranging to have the roads gritted before the market started.
The Town Clerk mentioned that a Grant Application had been submitted for the purchase of sand and sandbags following the recent flooding, Cllr Marsh to follow up.
With no further matters it was resolved unanimously to move into formal session.
115. Welcome
Cllr T Kemp welcomed all present, reminding Councillors about emergency exits and safety protocols; to turn phones off and appropriate conduct.
116. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept an apology from Cllr D Mangion.
117. Declarations of Interest
None received.
118. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 22 November 20233.
Cllr Rose sought for clarification that 6pm was the earliest start time for full Council Meetings.
The minutes also noted in that Cllr Rose was listed as attending the meeting and to have submitted apologies. The Clerk amended the minutes prior to the meeting confirming Cllr Rose was absent with apologies submitted and accepted.
With no further matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for November as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
119. To approve the accounts for November 2023 and December 2023.
Cllr Marsh noted that there had been an underspend of £800.00 for the Civic Service and wondered if these funds could be used for the upcoming Recognition Day event. The Town Clerk advised that funds could be reallocated as Recognition Day event was being held instead of a Civic service. Cllr Marsh explained that he is hopeful that the whole event will be sponsored with minimum cost to the Town Council but sought clarification if the funds were needed.
Cllr Kemp explained to the members of the public that Spilsby Town Council have previously held a Civic Ceremony but decided to change this to a Recognition Day event instead to better acknowledge individuals and businesses that help make the town a better place, who will receive awards for their contribution to Spilsby.
With no further matters arising the accounts for November 2023 and December 2023 were resolved unanimously.
120. To receive a bank reconciliation for October 2023.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the Town Council’s financial status, for information purposes only.
121. To consider adding another signatory to Spilsby Town Council’s Bank Accounts.
There are currently only 3 members of the Town Council who are signatories for the Town Council’s Bank Accounts. Cllr Wragg advised that he had previously volunteered to be added as a signatory but it had not progressed any further and confirmed that he would still like to become a signatory on the account. Cllr Marsh also volunteered to be added as a signatory. It was resolved unanimously to add Cllrs Marsh and Wragg to the list of signatories. The Clerk to arrange.
122. To receive a Budget Review for the 3rd Quarter.
Cllr Gibson mentioned that there was still quite a lot of money in the various budgets but that we are currently in the 4th quarter.
Cllr Gibson queried if funds were still being drawn from the Reserves Account and whether they would run out. The Town Clerk explained that the majority of the funds were in the Reserves Account as it has a better interest rate. Funds are then transferred to the current account when required. The contingency fund allocated within in the reserves is likely to be short of the figures detailed in the Financial Regulations and Reserves Policy due to the Church wall repairs, however, the Town Council’s financial status is not a concern. The contingency fund will be built up slowly over the next few years.
Cllr Kemp thanked the Town Clerk for his efforts in bringing the accounts into line and helping the Town Council make more informed choices.
123. To review Policies
a. Training & Development Policy
b. Press & Media Policy
c. Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy
d. Communications Policy
Cllr Gibson mentioned a few spelling mistakes but otherwise all in order. The Clerk thanked Cllr Gibson and the Deputy Clerk for their efforts reviewing these policies. It was resolved unanimously to adopt all policies.
124. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.
Mayor’s Report
Cllr Kemp attended the Christmas Market. He mentioned it was well-attended event despite the cold weather and that if the weather had been better, it’s likely there would have been more in attendance. Cllr Kemp spoke with various stall holders and the majority of them had said that it had been a successful event.
Cllr E Marsh advised that the Events Team had set a date for the Christmas market in 2024 and is awaiting confirmation from ELDC.
Recreation Ground
Cllr Taylor mentioned said that there hadn’t been any meetings recently. The fundraising reached the £40,000 target and have now stretched the target to £60,000. Cllr Taylor has visited all of his Parishes to discuss the plans at the Recreation Ground. Cllr Taylor donated £600.00 of his community grant to the Recreation Ground Committee for the redevelopment project.
Cllr E Marsh is meeting the Chair of the Recreation Ground Committee next week to discuss the funding that ELDC are putting into the development and Aviva are matching every donation of up to £250.00.
Grammar School Foundation
Cllr Gibson reported that the next meeting is to take place early February, when the money will be given to each individual student. He is hopeful that at the next meeting he will be able to say how many students have received funds. Cllr Gibson reported that the funds are well managed and they receive regular updates.
Cllr L Marsh reported that the handouts of money had been completed in December, with al most all the donations collected.
The Twinning Committee have arranged to two fund raising events. The first is on Saturday 27th January 2024 which is a concert by the Bluestones Swing Band. The second is on 16th March which is a supper and race night. The next Committee meeting is on the 12th February 2024 and some of the Committee Members from the Burgh Le Marsh Twinning Association will be coming to discuss the upcoming visit from Fresnay Sur Sarthe and Beaumont Sur Sarthe in May. It is hoped that both Twinning Committees will be able to arrange at least one event together during their visit to help with costs.
Good Neighbourhood Scheme
Cllr Gibson reported that a meeting had been held earlier in January and that there is not much activity. The Good Neighbourhood Scheme can charge people who use volunteers for transportation, but the volunteers generally don’t charge the costs back. Plans are to continue to run through 2024 and then assess.
Provisional dates have been booked for Coffee Mornings and Afternoon Teas. GNS are also looking at setting up a befriending scheme. The Coffee Mornings and Afternoon Teas are still well attended with around 12 - 15 attending. The Coronation event had about 53 people attending. Everything is done by donations. Brighthour have offered their facilities free of charge for either a Coffee Morning or Afternoon Tea, a date to be confirmed.
Community Speedwatch
Cllr Day advised of a successful Speedwatch session on Partney Road. Cllr Marsh explained that a member of the public had approached them during the session to asked what they were doing.
Cllr Marsh had explained what the session entailed and the benefits of doing them.
Cllr Marsh also spoke to the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to find out what their figures were when the speed camera van was located there. They explained that 96% of the people who received their first warning letter did not receive a second. This hopefully means that people take notice of the letter. It is a good exercise as people do come and discuss speeding with the volunteers.
Cllr Day said that they are still very short of volunteers and she has written a piece to put in the next edition of the Spilsby Explorer. Cllr Kemp thanked those who participated and reasoned that it was worth doing to help make the roads safer.
Spilsby Business Partnership
Cllr Rose advised that although the Business Partnership has now disbanded, their assets have been transferred to the Events Team who now have their own Bank Account. The next meeting of the group is on 4th March, where they will be confirming some of the events that they are wanting to do this year. It is hoped that more businesses will be joining the Group.
An Events Team update will be added to the next meeting’s agenda.
Town Clerk’s Report
The Clerk emailed a report to Councillors prior to the meeting.
The Clerk reported that the Christmas Lights had not yet been removed due to the recent storms and a meeting had been held with Gleesons who are the developers of the new estate. Notes from the meeting to be circulated with Councillors.
A meeting had also taken place with PCC Marc Jones regarding CCTV in town. It seemed to be quite positive, but had not received a follow up email as promised. The Clerk will follow this up.
The Town Clerk has also received quotes from Tree Surgeons to tidy up The Spinney and Toc H, which may require closing the footpath. The first quote was for around £1,000.00 for Toc H and approximately £8,000.00 for The Spinney.
County Cllr Bowkett asked if ELDC’s Pride Team could do the work instead which would not involve any costs. Cllr Marsh advised she would contact the Pride Team to see if they can complete this work.
The Town Clerk has also submitted at VAT return for £3,000.00.
Cllr Gibson noted that some people who were wearing hi-vis vest had been walking around town, possibly with regards to the Halton Road development. Cllr Bowkett advised they were staff from Lincolnshire County Council.
Cllr Marsh advised that at a recent Events Team Meeting the Christmas Lights had been discussed. They suggested that the Christmas Lights in town had been very disappointing compared to Horncastle. The Events Committee had been talking to Bruce Knight from Spilsby Theatre who has experience with professional lighting and outside displays. He has a vast amount of lights in storage and wondered if they could be used and be an improvement on the current display. Cllr Kemp suggested that a meeting be set up with Bruce Knight to discuss how to move this issue on.
The Town Clerk confirmed that research had already started on improving the display in the town. However, it’s dependent on what is allocated in the budget.
The contractor who installs and take down the Christmas lights have confirmed that they look at the lights in the Church yard when they are next here.
Cllr E Marsh said that the star at the top of the tree that was faulty has been repaired.
a. Countryside Natural Canines
The Town Clerk reported that the application had not been received on time so is to be deferred to the next meeting.
125. To receive an update on the Recognition Day Celebration event.
Cllr L Marsh reported positive communication with all of the groups and businesses in town who have expressed an interest in the event. It was agreed that the event will take place on a Saturday 11th May in the afternoon. It will be open to the public and that all of the award recipients will be given a few minutes to explain what they do. Cllr L Marsh suggested 10-12 award categories, taking into account the recommendations submitted for awards categories, the following awards were considered:
• Best Shop Window;
• Best Sports Coaching/Training Facility;
• Volunteer/Voluntary Group Award;
• Impact on Wellness/Mental Health Award;
• Environmental/Sustainability Award;
• Sporting Achievement Award;
• Young Adult/Engagement Award;
• Contribution to the Community Award;
• Teamworking/Partnership Award;
• Fundraiser Award;
• Employer of the Year Award;
• People’s Choice Award;
• Mayor’s Award; and
• Deputy Mayor’s Award.
It was agreed that the number of awards should be cut down and that all Councillors should suggest which categories should eliminated from the list. Cllr L Marsh to circulate the list with Councillors, who need to reply with their preference of 8 award categories by 2nd February so information can be included in the next edition of the Explorer magazine.
Cllr Marsh explained that the style of trophies is the next thing to be agreed and explained what he thought they should look like. Cllr L Marsh also advised that the event might be sponsored, discussions ongoing.
126. To consider appointing a Company to deliver the Spilsby Explorer Magazine.
Cllr L Marsh explained that there were not enough volunteers to deliver the last edition of the Magazine in a timely manner, so thought that it would be better to have a Company deliver them on our behalf.
Cllr L Day questioned whether advertising in magazine could recoup the costs of printing and delivery but suggested this is something the Council should seriously consider. Cllr Kemp suggested that the magazine does benefit the Town which is why it’s produced. Cllr Taylor recommended that a request for volunteers to deliver the Summer Edition be put in the next edition.
The Clerk advised that £4,000.00 has been allocated in the budget for the magazine so both printing and delivery costs would come under that.
It was resolved unanimously to contact local groups to appeal for volunteers who could assist with delivery, if no volunteers come forward, to employ a delivery company instead.
127. To consider appointing a decorator for the re-decoration of the Office and Council Chamber.
The Town Clerk explained that it is in the lease contract with Franklin Hall that the Office and Council Chambers are re-decorated every 5 years and that it has not been done for some considerable time. The Office is in need of some repair and the Council Chamber is in poor condition which needs to be updated.
After a brief discussion it was resolved unanimously to just repaint the Office and Council Chamber and ask the two companies who had submitted estimates to now send quotations and choose a company at a future meeting.
Cllr Gibson mentioned that The Franklin Hall Committee are looking into obtaining grants for works to be carried out in the Hall including replacement of the floor, carpets, doors and windows.
128. To consider the D-Day Anniversary Commemoration Event.
The Town Clerk explained that the Royal Pageant Master had sent an email asking if the Council would be interested in holding an event to Commemorate the D-Day Landings on 6th June 2024. The event could include the lighting of a Beacon or buying a commemorative lamp. It was suggested that the Event Team could be organise a commemorative event with the Town Council’s support. Tong Engineering store the Beacon which has been used at previous events.
It was resolved unanimously to forward the email to the Events Team and inform them that Spilsby Town Council will support them.
129. To consider action for the vacant seats on the Town Council.
Cllr Day mentioned knowing residents that might be interested in becoming a Councillor but needed some time to consider the role.
It was resolved unanimously that a piece be put in the Spilsby Explorer Magazine and the posters advertising the vacancy on display be renewed.
130. To consider purchasing a plug-in and play Webcam for on-line meetings.
Cllr L Marsh explained that he attended with the PCC, Marc Jones and without a webcam, could listen to the meeting but not participate. The webcam would not be used to broadcast Town Council meetings but would be used for online meetings which are growing in popularity. Prices range from £17 to around £50 with the average one being around £25. With online meetings becoming more popular and Cllr Marsh feels that Spilsby Town Council need to be seen and heard.
It was resolved unanimously to purchase a webcam for future meetings and training courses.
131. To consider meeting dates for 2024-25.
The Town Clerk had previously circulated the proposed dates. With no objections, it was resolved unanimously that the dates proposed be confirmed as the dates of future Town Council meetings for 2024-2025.
With no further matters, Cllr Kemp closed the meeting at 7:10pm.