FC September 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 25th September, 2024 at 6:00pm in the Council Chamber at Franklin Hall, Spilsby. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Town Council as a true and accurate record.
Cllrs L Marsh (Deputy Mayor), M Gibson, E Marsh, W Rose, T Taylor and M Wragg; and County Councillor W Bowkett.
Town Clerk - J Sargent.
Public Session
There were no members of the public in attendance.
To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Councillor W Bowkett
A written report received from Cllr Bowkett was circulated via email prior to the meeting. No questions were put to Cllr Bowkett.
To receive a report from District County Councillor E Marsh
A written report received from District Cllr E Marsh was circulated via email prior to the meeting. No questions were put to Cllr E Marsh.
With no further matters, it was resolved unanimously to move into formal session.
54. Welcome
Cllr L Marsh welcomed all present, reminding Councillors about emergency exits and safety protocols, to turn phones off and appropriate conduct.
55. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllrs L Day (Mayor), A Day, and D Mangion.
56. Declarations of Interest
None received.
57. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council Meeting held on
Wednesday 24th July 2024.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for July as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
58. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 28th August, 2024.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for the August extraordinary meeting as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
59. To approve the accounts for:
a. July 2024.
b. August 2024
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to approve the accounts for July and August 2024.
60. To receive a bank reconciliation for:
a. July 2024.
b. August 2024
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the Town Council’s financial status, for information purposes only.
61. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.
Mayor’s Report
Cllr L Day submitted apologies for not providing a report. Cllr Day advised via email that there was very little to report due to a recent injury.
Recreation Ground
Cllr Taylor advised no meeting had been held recently. Cllr E Marsh confirmed that the Recreation Ground Committee’s contractors will soon be breaking ground on the hardcourt area for the new development.
Grammar School Foundation
Cllr Gibson reported meeting on 24th September where grant applications from local schools were discussed. Cllr Gibson mentioned a new procedure for applicants to provide receipts on the grants received.
Cllr Gibson advised that no request was submitted from Spilsby Primary School and have now missed the application deadline for this year but are welcome to apply for next year. On applications submitted only one required further information.
Cllr Gibson advised at the next meeting, the Foundation will consider applications from students who are in higher education, for ages 18-25. The documentation is available on their website with the deadline towards the end of January. Cllr Gibson reported that the Foundation recently received thank-you letters from successful applicants.
Cllr L Marsh reported no meetings have taken place.
Cllr L Marsh was unable to attend a recent meeting and no update was provided
Good Neighbourhood Scheme
Cllr Gibson reported that the group are not currently taking donations but held a well-attended afternoon tea recently. A coffee morning will be held on 6th December and will be meeting around that time to discuss the future of the group. Cllr Gibson advised that the group have not received any referrals recently.
Community Speedwatch
Cllr L Marsh reported that no sessions had been held and no updates had been received from neighbouring Councils but will contact them.
Cllr E Marsh advised that Hundleby Parish Council have a meeting on Friday and where their interest in getting involved will be discussed. The Clerk confirmed that three Councillors from Partney are interested in attending Speedwatch training.
Spilsby Events Team
Cllr Rose attended a recent meeting where some members of the team thought the town looked untidy and wondered if the Town Council could help.
Cllr E Marsh reported that the group’s AGM will be held on 7th October at Ashby Road industrial estate and the Christmas Market will be help on 7th December with Cracker Day.
The Clerk asked if a calendar of events could be provided for 2025, to be advertised in the noticeboards, website and Explorer magazine.
Town Clerk’s Report
A written report from the Town Clerk was circulated via email prior to the meeting. The Town Clerk also reported receiving feedback on the Local Council Award Scheme application and the work required to improve the application. This will include improvements to the website to show more information about Councillors and amendments to the DPI forms. The Clerk also reported receiving a cheque from the Spilsby Community Led Plan for £705.29, which was an original donation, returned to the Town Council as the group has ceased activities.
62. To appoint members to additional responsibilities groups:
a. The Orchard
b. Toc H
c. Spinney
With a number of Councillors missing who would likely be interested in taking on these responsibilities, it was resolved unanimously to defer to the next meeting.
63. To agree a schedule of regular payments in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
The Town Clerk advised this schedule was required to conform with the Council’s Financial Regulations. The Town Clerk confirmed the document detailed the regular monthly payments only, and can be amended throughout the year. With no comments, it was resolved unanimously to agree to the schedule and the Clerk to update the Council on any future amendments.
64. To consider a grant application from:
a. Spilsby Indoor Bowling Club
b. Pirouette School of Dance, Spilsby
The Town Clerk circulated the applications prior to the meeting. Cllr L Marsh mentioned that the Indoor Bowling Club last asked for a grant 2 years ago to help towards new equipment, this grant request was to help with further improvements to the equipment. With no comments it was resolved unanimously to donate £250.00.
The Clerk mentioned that the Pirouette School of Dance also previously submitted a grant request 2 years ago to help towards new equipment and this request was for additional equipment. With no comments it was resolved unanimously to donate £250.00. The Clerk added that Cllr T Taylor kindly offered to represent the Town Council at the school’s annual awards ceremony held at the end of September.
65. To consider litter picking in the town and ideas to keep the town tidy.
Cllr Wragg mentioned the litter on Halton Road and Wragg volunteered to litter pick on Halton Road near his property.
Cllr Taylor advised that there would be no issue with keeping the street tidy near their own residence, however, if a group was to be formed to litter pick around the town, the proper equipment would be required, with means of disposing the waste collected and being organised.
Cllr E Marsh advised that bags can be available from ELDC, when full can be left near the public bins and taken by ELDC refuse team.
Cllr L Marsh mentioned that previous a Spilsby Sparkle Day had been organised with limited uptake but suggested advertising again for this type of event as well as contacting local groups such as Scouts or the local schools who may be interested in helping.
Cllr Rose suggested that the Town Council should employ a litter picker to keep the town tidy as this doesn’t seem to be done by ELDC anymore. Cllr L Marsh advised that this would mean increasing the precept for the residents, as well as additional work relating to HR with salary, tax, holiday pay and suggested that it is costed and brought back to Council to be considered for the 2025-26 budget. Cllr L Marsh suggested that the public could be consulted on whether they want the Town Council to allocate resources towards a litter picker. An article to be considered for the Explorer magazine.
Cllr Rose suggested that having well-meaning volunteers is great but often sporadic and thought the Town Council should be seen to be taking better care of the town.
The Clerk advised he would contact ELDC’s Pride Team to visit the town more regularly to carry out a litter pick.
66. To consider a 12-week sponsorship for the Monday market stalls for Sturton Plants.
Cllr L Marsh confirmed this would be a 50% contribution for 12-weeks. Councillors commented that very few traders had been at the market recently and it would be good to encourage traders to visit Spilsby. With no further comments, it was resolved unanimously to approve a 50% contribution for 12-weeks.
67. To consider operating a warm hub and supporting existing warm hubs in the town.
Cllr Rose suggested that there might be grants available to support warm hubs and that with recent government cuts, some residents might struggle to keep warm this winter. Cllr Rose acknowledged that there are many groups and businesses in town that already have space to accommodate residents and thinks the Council could compile this information and perhaps fill the gaps by using Franklin Hall to offer tea, coffee and a warm space.
Cllr E Marsh suggested putting an article in the Explorer and posters in the noticeboards, advertising warm spaces in Spilsby, showing dates and times, so as to not water down the offering available in town or take business away from those already in town.
The Clerk asked for a list to be compiled over the next few days so it can be included in the Autumn/Winter edition of the Explorer magazine.
68. To consider a procedure to review policies.
Information of a new formal process was circulated with Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr L Marsh set out a new procedure to review policies, where a policy is reviewed over a 3-month period and then considered at full Council in its final draft. It was resolved unanimously to adopt the new review procedure.
69. To consider improvements at the Allotments, including roads and boundary.
Cllr L Marsh explained that the access road and the entrance into the first gateway needs some improvements. A resident had already laid some hardcore between the two gates and it was suggested that the resident might make further improvements to the lane.
Another resident has offered to trim the allotments hedges to make the access road wider.
The Clerk suggested speaking to a contractor with a view to improving the access at the first gate of the allotments and include the costing in the 2025-26 budget. The grass cutting contractor has also offered to sub-contract the flailing on the hedges around the allotments.
70. To receive an update on the formation of a Markets Committee.
Cllr E Marsh advised meeting with Cllr Taylor to produce the report circulated with Councillors prior to the meeting with the next steps to meet with representatives from ELDC to share ideas and find a way forward for Spilsby’s market which may include changing the market day, changing the frequency, and making the market more of an event.
ELDC have appointed a new Markets Officer but was yet to take up the role. In the meantime, the Clerk had been advised to contact officers at ELDC with regard to advertising and recruiting traders.
71. To consider appointing members to represent the Council attending the Remembrance Day Services at St. James Church and RAF Spilsby.
Cllr Taylor offered to represent the Town Council at RAF Spilsby and suggested Cllr Mangion might join as well, as they have done previously. Other Councillors were welcome to attend the service in Spilsby. The Clerk to confirm with Cllr E Day about laying the wreath at St. James.
The Clerk confirmed the Poppy wreaths were already in the office for the services.
Cllr E Marsh mentioned that some statues of a soldier’s silhouette could be made from a template and put around the town. Cllr L Marsh has offered to cut the statues from the template which could be stored at Franklin Hall. Cllr E Marsh also advised that the shops will be decorated with poppies creating a large display in Spilsby.
72. To resolve to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved unanimously to exclude members of the Public and Media to allow the Town Council to discuss confidential matters.
73. To consider quotes for tree maintenance, in Toc H, Cemtery and Spinney.
The Clerk advised only receiving one quote despite meeting four contractors. The quote received was higher than the Council had previously approved. It was resolved unanimously to accept the quote tabled but to only carry out maintenance in the Toc H and to budget for further maintenance in the cemetery and spinney in 2025-26.
74. Cemetery:
a. To consider quotes to repair the wall in the cemetery.
The Clerk advised only one quote had been received and provided a picture of the damage to the wall for Councillors to see. It was resolved unanimously to approve the repair works.
b. To consider a request to inter ashes in an existing grave.
The Clerk explained the delicate situation regarding this request. The Council asked the Clerk to contact the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management to verify the legality of the indemnity form.
It was resolved unanimously to confirm the legal basis on the indemnity form provided by the funeral directors, with approval from the ICCM, the interment can go ahead.
c. To consider using an indemnity form, to be included as a part of the Cemetery Policy.
It was resolved unanimously to include an indemnity form as a part of the Cemetery Policy, providing the ICCM confirm it can be used.
d. To consider a Transfer of Ownership fee for the ownership of the Exclusive Rights of Burial, to be included as a part of the Cemetery Policy.
It was resolved unanimously to include a transfer fee of £100.00 in the Cemetery Policy, with information provided at the time of purchase.
75. To receive an update on issues at the allotments.
The Town Clerk provided an update of ongoing issues at the allotments and action planned to bring the issues to a conclusion. It was resolved unanimously to proceed with the recommended action.
76. To consider staffing matters.
It was resolved unanimously to approve all staffing matters.
With no further matters, Cllr L Marsh closed the meeting at 7:45pm.