FC January 2025 Minutes
Minutes of the full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 22nd January, 2025 at 6:00pm in the Council Chamber at Franklin Hall, Spilsby. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Town Council as a true and accurate record.
Cllrs L Day (Mayor), L Marsh (Deputy Mayor), A Day, M Gibson, D Mangion, E Marsh, W Rose, and
T Taylor; and County Councillor W Bowkett.
Town Clerk - J Sargent and Deputy Town Clerk - S Thomas.
There were five members of the public in attendance.
Public Session
Cllr L Day invited members of the public to speak.
Resident 1 asked if the tables in Council Chamber could be rearranged into a horseshoe shape so that during meetings the Councillors do not have their backs facing the members of the public. The Clerk to investigate options.
With no further questions or comments, Cllr L Day thanked the residents for attending.
To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Councillor W Bowkett
A written report was received from Lincolnshire County Cllr W Bowkett which was circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Bowkett confirmed that a public consultation is currently taking place asking for the public’s view on the decision to increase the Council Tax for 2025/2026 by 2.99%, which is less than the 4.99% increase recommended by the Government. The Government is therefore going to withdraw funds from LCC. Cllr Bowkett confirmed the increase in the previous year was also 2.99%. Cllr Mangion asked what services would suffer; Cllr Bowkett explained that money from the County Councils Reserves would be used so there would be no loss of service. Cllr L Marsh advised there is a survey being carried out by the Highways Department. Cllr Bowkett confirmed that this is still ongoing.
To receive a report from District County Councillor E Marsh
District County Councillor E Marsh reported that the first Memory Café was held on the
16th January 2025 at The New Life Centre, Spilsby. The Memory Café will now take place every Thursday 11am to 1pm. This event is open to everyone with memory related problems, i.e. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, together with Carers. It’s a warm, friendly group which provides refreshments, games and a safe place where people can talk about any issues they may have and an opportunity to speak to professionals in this field.
David Smith has recently been appointed as the new East Lindsey District Council Market’s Manager to revive the markets across the district and has a number of ideas to help revive the Spilsby Monday Market with more information to follow.
The Place Team are looking at grants for Spilsby to get a free ‘Wings Across the Wolds’ mural in Spilsby missing out on the first round.
The East Lindsey Investment Fund have made £1 million in grant funding available which aims to support community-led efforts to invest in and restore their community spaces and create the foundations for growth at neighbourhood level. The intention of this Fund is to strengthen the social fabric of communities, create opportunities for social connections to develop and thrive as well as further develop access to services for local residents. Applications can be submitted to the Grassroots teams at https://lincolnshirecf.co.uk/grants/elif/.
With no further matters, it was resolved unanimously to move into formal session.
115. Welcome
Cllr L Day welcomed all present, reminding Councillors about emergency exits and safety protocols, to turn phones off and appropriate conduct.
116. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr T Kemp.
117. Declarations of Interest
Cllr E Marsh - PTFA Grant Application on item 12a.
118. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council Meeting held on
Wednesday 27th November 2024.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for November as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
119. Co-Option:
a. To invite applicants for co-option to present themselves to the Town Council and to allow the Councillors to ask questions of the applicants.
Cllr L Day invited the two candidates to introduce themselves.
Candidates were asked about the seven Nolan Principles. Candidate A was unaware of the Nolan Principles but expressed a willingness to learn and understand their significance. Candidate B explained the principles included being open, honest and not bringing the Council into disrepute.
Cllr Day asked candidates why they wanted to become a Town Councillor and what skills they could bring to the Council. Candidate B explained that they were already a Parish Councillor at Halton Holegate so understood how local Councils work. The candidate is also on the Committees of several local voluntary and charity groups such as the Recreation Ground, Twinning Association, Rotary and Spilsby Session House. The candidate expressed their love for Spilsby and desire to do as much as possible to make Spilsby the best place it can be. Candidate A, a lifelong resident, expressed being very passionate about the Town and wants to do as much as possible for Spilsby.
Cllr Day asked where would the candidates would look to find information about Spilsby Town Council. Candidate A advised that most information can be found on the internet, via the Town Council’s website and noticeboards in the town centre. Candidate B advised their main source of information about the Town Council was via the Internet and Facebook as well as the Spilsby Explorer Magazine. The candidate suggested the Town Clerks are also a great source of information.
Cllr L Marsh asked about the roles and responsibilities of being a Councillor. Candidate A suggested that being a Councillor is about serving the Town, to attend meetings, take on responsibilities and be allocated a role within the Council. This includes giving feedback at meetings. It’s also about working with the Community, being honest, keeping residents updated on issues in the Town and representing Spilsby Town Council in the best light. Candidate A mentioned being a team player, and expressed a willingness to learn about the Council’s responsibilities to help move the Town forward.
Cllr Taylor asked if candidates would be willing to attend training courses. Candidate A advised that they are now retired and has the time available to attend training courses. The candidate expressed that attending training was part of their working life and understood the necessity to keep up to date with relevant practices. Candidate B explained that they are willing to attend any training courses as required and that knowledge obtained from one course can sometimes be useful in another. The candidate advised recently attending several courses relating to fund raising at the Sessions House, and this knowledge has been useful for raising funds for the Recreation Ground.
Cllr Rose asked what improvements they would like to see in Spilsby and as a Councillor would they have a specific interest to champion. Candidate B replied that provisions for the young people in Town should be a priority. The candidate is part of the Recreation Ground Committee working to bring new and improved facilities such as Skate Park, a new 3G pitch and expanded pavilion. Candidate A advised being passionate about reviving the town, the Market and empty shops, as well as focusing on aspects for young people in the town.
Cllr Day thanked the candidates for attending and answering the questions.
b. To resolve to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved unanimously to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters.
c. To consider applications for co-option.
Councillors discussed the applicants for co-option, and it was put to a vote.
d. To resolve to reopen the meeting to the public and the media.
It was resolved unanimously to reopen the meeting.
e. To declare the result of the vote.
Cllr L Day declared the result of the vote with both candidates co-opted on to the Council.
f. To invite the successful candidate(s) to join the meeting after signing the declaration of acceptance of office.
Both the successful candidates signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the
meeting. Cllr L Day welcomed the new Councillors - P Gale and T Robson. The Clerk asked the new Councillors to complete the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests form and return it before the next meeting.
120. To approve the accounts for:
a. November 2024.
b. December 2024.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to approve the accounts for November and December 2024. The Accounts Report included as an attachment to these minutes.
121. To receive a bank reconciliation for:
a. November 2024.
b. December 2024.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the Town Council’s financial status, for information purposes only. The Bank Reconciliation Report included as an attachment to these minutes.
At the discretion of the Mayor - Cllr L Day, agenda item 16 was moved up to invite the events teams to provide more information on their programme of events for 2025.
122. Events
a. To receive a calendar of events from Spilsby’s Events Team.
The Chair of the Events Team provided a list of events being organised for 2025 as follows:
• Spilsby Light Night on 8th February 2025;
• Easter Bingo and Spring Walk on 13th April 2025;
• VE Day 80 Commemoration on 8th May 2025;
• VJ Day 80 Commemoration on 15th August 2025;
• Spilsby-by-the-Sea Event on 23rd or 24th August 2025;
• Lincolnshire Day on 1st October 2025; and
• Christmas Market/Cracker Day on 6th December 2025.
During the Christmas period, St. James Church will be holding the Christmas Tree Festival and The Nelson Butt Pub will be holding a Christmas Bingo and a Christmas Quiz.
The Chair of the Events Team asked that the Town Council would arrange lighting the Beacon and if the Town Council would be arranging any other events during the day. Cllr E Marsh explained that a 1940’s Event is being planned to take place on Saturday 3rd May.
The Town Clerk explained that a member of the public requested that a parade take place on the day, which would involve road closures. The Chair of the Events Team suggested the parade could include local schools and local groups as they do on Remembrance Day Parade, but would have to take place in the evening. Cllr L Marsh advised that Cubs and Guides meet on a Thursday evenings so they could attend an evening Parade.
The Deputy Town Clerk advised that the Royal Pageant Master provided information on ideas of what could be done to commemorate VE Day, including ringing the Church Bells at 6.30pm and lighting the Beacon at 9.30pm.
The Deputy Town Clerk asked Cllr Gale if could contact the local Royal British Legion to see if they would liaise with the Events Team to arrange a parade. Cllr L Marsh explained that Hundleby Parish Council lit their Beacon at the recommended time last year so that veterans from Hundleby and Spilsby could attend both events.
b. To consider holding a monthly event from April to October.
Cllr E Marsh reported that consultations had been held with residents about the demise of the weekly Monday Market. The feedback received suggested that having a market style event on a Saturday would be more suitable. The Markets Committee discussed options and recommended that a monthly event is held with Monday market being moved to a Saturday. However, after meeting with ELDC’s Markets Manager, the weekly market will continue to be on a Monday and a monthly event could be organised independently from ELDC and the market charter.
Cllr E Marsh recommended that with East Lindsey District Council looking at ways to improve the Monday Market, the Town Council should move forward with plans for a monthly event. The event should be held on the same Saturday each month, such as the first of the month, and be themed for example the event in May would have a 1940’s theme and the event in August could tie in with the Events Team Spilsby-By-The-Sea. Themes for the remaining months are yet to be decided.
ELDC have advised that their gazebo’s cannot be used unless the necessary training is completed, but it is currently unavailable, therefore the April event will not have any gazebo’s. ELDC have however, agreed that the car parks in the town centre can be used for eight events throughout the year. Cllr E Marsh implored Town Councillors to get involved, to promote the events and help make these events a success.
Volunteers are going to be needed on the day of the events to ensure that they run smoothly and efficiently. The Town Council’s insurance requires 1 steward per 100 attendees, with a limit of 1000 attendees per event.
The unique selling point for these events is to use local traders wherever possible. Information was posted on facebook explaining the idea and appealing for local traders to attend the events. There was a positive response with the majority of those interested not currently trading at local markets and this could be an ideal opportunity for them to venture into trading.
For those who are new to trading at events, gazebos are needed and could be supplied by the Town Council. A grant could be obtained to fund the purchase of gazebos but in the meantime Council funds will need to be used. A budget allocation would be required with £1,000.00 available under Tourism and Events.
Cllr A Day asked if the Mayor could use her allowance for this purpose. The Clerk advised that it is at the Mayor’s discretion.
Cllr Robson suggested that one of the barriers for people being able to trade at markets is the insurance and asked if the Council could help. Cllr E Marsh suggested looking into an insurance policy that could cover traders to help cut down on their costs. Traders would need to carry out a risk assessment and any traders selling food would need a Food Hygiene Certificate.
The Chair of the Events Group asked what the date would be for August so that the Events Team could tie it in with their Spilsby-By-The-Sea event. It was agreed that both events would take place on the 23rd August.
Cllr E Marsh suggested the following dates:
• 5th April 2025;
• 3rd May 2025;
• 7th June 2025;
• 5th July 2025;
• 2nd August 2025;
• 6th September 2025; and
• 4th October 2025.
Cllr E Marsh recommended that the dates should be consistent but could be subject to change. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that these could be advertised in the Explorer Magazine, but all adverts and articles need to be submitted by the end of February.
Cllr Rose queried whether the Events Team could work with the Council to help with the organisation; the Chair confirmed that they would be willing to assist wherever possible.
With no further matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to approve the events being held on the first Saturday of the month and the budget allocation under Tourism and Events being made available to help support the events.
124.To receive a summary through to the third quarter of the financial year of:
a. Treasurers Account.
b. Reserve Account.
The Clerk provided a summary of the bank account transaction totals to keep Councillors up to date with the Town Council’s financial status, for information purposes only, included as an attachment to these minutes.
125. To receive a budget review for the third quarter of the financial year.
The Clerk provided a Budget Review for the third quarter of the 2024-25 Financial Year to keep Councillors up to date with the Town Council’s financial status, for information purposes only and included as an attachment to these minutes.
126. Financial Planning 2025-26:
a. To confirm the budget and precept request for 2025-26.
The Town Clerk reported that amendments have been made to the budget following the previous meeting which include separate allocations for the Events Team, Spilsby Rotary and Spilsby Twinning Association. The donations allocation has been lowered to £2,500.00 with only one grant application to be submitted annually per group.
Cllr Rose requested confirmation of the increase in the Precept in terms of percentage. The Town Clerk advised that the of increase of 17.5% had been agreed, this works out at £29.33 per annum for a Band D property.
With no further matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to approve the budget and precept request.
127. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.
Mayor’s Report
A written report from Cllr L Day was circulated prior to the meeting. The report included as an attachment to these minutes.
Recreation Ground
Cllr E Marsh reported that work on the all-weather surface is due to start in the week commencing
Monday 27th January 2025.
Grammar School Foundation
Cllr Gibson reported that the Foundation have just finished collecting individual applications. The next meeting takes place in February and the amount of money being donated will be decided. The number of students submitting applications has fallen, with the majority of applicants asking for the money to go towards livings costs. Grants received will have to be receipted.
Cllr L Marsh reported that the payouts were done in December. Cllr Robson advised that all have now been collected except one.
Twinning Association
Cllr L Marsh was unable to attend a recent meeting but the Deputy Town Clerk sent a written report, circulated via email prior to the meeting. The report included as an attachment to these minutes.
Good Neighbourhood Scheme
Cllr Gibson reported that a Committee Meeting is being held on 28th January 2025. A soup and roll event is taking place on 7th February 2025. The Committee is still not sure how to move forward which will be discussed at the meeting.
Community Speedwatch
Cllr L Day reported that no sessions have taken place since the last meeting. This is due to the time of year and the weather conditions. Cllr Gale offered to join the team.
Town Clerk’s Report
A written report from the Town Clerk was circulated via email prior to the meeting, included as an attachment to these minutes.
The Clerk reported that the Deputy Clerk had passed the ILCA Course and reported receiving feedback for Local Council Award Scheme submission. There are a few things that need to be worked on before the Council can receive the award.
The Chair of the Recreation Ground Committee had sent an email asking if the Town Council would agree to be a joint applicant on their funding application to the Football Foundation for their Playzone project. This would mean that VAT could be reclaimed on the project, which is approximately £52,000. The Town Clerk advised it would be unlikely that the Town Council will hold this amount in the reserves at the end of the financial year. It would also affect the Town Council’s annual audit and would have to pay the next threshold fee for the audit.
The Town Clerk has contacted LALC for their advice over concerns that it could be seen as tax evasion. LALC have contacted a VAT specialist and are awaiting a response. The Town Clerk also expressed concerned as the Town Council have not been involved in the application or fundraising processes which would raise issues at the audit and for HMRC.
Cllr L Marsh suggested that if there were any issues with the works carried out, the Town Council would be liable.
Cllr Mangion asked if the Recreation Ground was a charitable institution. Cllr Robson explained that even if it was a charitable institution an income is required to offset the VAT against, 6 years of trading can be used to show this, but if not, the VAT cannot be reclaimed.
The Town Clerk advised that he would update the Councillors once a response from LALC has been received.
128. To consider Grant applications from:
a. Spilsby Academy PTFA
b. England Netball
c. Friends of RAF Spilsby
d. Spilsby Twinning Association
e. Rotary Club of Spilsby
As the budget allocation for donations was almost all used up, the Town Clerk suggested that some of the grants could be agreed but paid in the next financial year.
Cllr A Day suggested that the Spilsby Academy PTFA and England Netball have their grants accepted in the current financial year and delay payment of grants to the Friends of RAF Spilsby, Spilsby Twinning Association and the Rotary Club.
With no objections, it was resolved unanimously to donate £210.00 to the Spilsby Academy PTFA and £250.00 to England Netball group. The grant of £150.00 for RAF Spilsby will be paid in the new financial year. Spilsby Twinning Association and the Rotary Club will have their own annual budget allocations in the new financial year of £1,000.000 and £500.00.
129. To consider the appointment of an internal auditor.
The Town Clerk explained that LALC have previously carried out the Town Council’s annual internal audit and would like to continue with their services as a comprehensive report is provided. The auditor is also very helpful with advice throughout the year. It was resolved unanimously to appoint LALC to carry out the annual internal audit.
130. To consider plans for the 2025 Recognition Awards event.
Cllr L Marsh explained that the 2024 Recognition Awards event was a great success and is keen to do the same again in 2025. Cllr L Marsh advised that the event should be held around the same time of year using the same format and has contacted those in the group who helped put the event together in 2024 for some feedback. Overall, the feedback was positive, but those who had sponsored the categories would like to be on the stage when giving out their respective award.
Cllr L Marsh thought that it was good to see that District and County Councillors in attendance together with the local MP, and hopes that it will be the same again this year. Work on the event will begin and will provide an update at the next meeting.
The Town Clerk advised of an increase in the budget for 2025/2026 for this event.
131. To consider a date for an opening event of the new equipment in the play area.
Cllr L Marsh suggested that a suitable date for the official opening of the new play equipment should be 16th April 2025, which is Sir John Franklin’s Birthday and could link in with other events happening in Spilsby.
Cllr Robson also reported that it is hoped that the current works at the Recreation Ground should also be completed at that time so a joint event could be held and have refreshments afterwards at the Pavillion.
It was resolved unanimously to arrange an opening event for 16th April.
132. To resolve to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved unanimously to exclude the public and the media to allow the Town Council to discuss confidential matters.
133. To receive an update on issues at the Allotments.
The Town Clerk provided an update of ongoing issues at the allotments and action planned to bring the issues to a conclusion. It was resolved unanimously to proceed with the recommended action.
134. To consider new information received regarding a request to inter ashes at Spilsby Cemetery.
The Town Clerk advised that further information had been received from the family wishing to inter ashes in an existing grave Spilsby Cemetery, however, recommended following the advice received from the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management, that the Town Council would not be fulfilling the statutory obligations by allowing this interment, however the ashes could be scattered at the plot. It was resolved unanimously to proceed with the recommended action.
With no further matters, Cllr L Day closed the meeting at 7:25pm.