CA January 2021 Agenda


4th January 2021


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Community Action Committee to be held on Thursday 21st January 2021 via Zoom commencing at 7.00 pm.


Any resident wishing to attend via virtual meeting may apply to the Town Clerk for login and password details




(Town Clerk)




  1. Apologies for Absence (Chair)


To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.


  1. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011-being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written request for dispensation. (ALL)


  1. To receive a report on the previous action points from the Town Clerk                    (BS)


  1. To receive Highways update                                                                                      (BS)


  1. Members are asked to formulate a plan to renew the safety floor in the play park  and to review the Play Area Safety Report and decide on remedial actions as necessary.


  1. To receive Town Audit report                                                                                     (MH)


  1. To receive update on Youth Council and Youth Engagement                                  (MH)


  1. Member are asked to consider celebrating/facilitate
    1. Franklin’s Birthday (16th April)                                                                        (LM)
    2. St George’s Day (23rd April)                                                                          
    3. Easter Egg Hunt (4th April) in the TOC H Land or similar


  1. Members are asked to review the current Christmas Lights and consider options for the future. (report to be tabled)


  1. Members are asked to consider
    1. the adoption of unused pockets of land as wild flower areas
    2. to formulate a plan for the rejuvenation of the TOC H land and the Spinney
    3. To consider undertaking a Green Space Audit (Report to be tabled)


  1. Items for next Agenda


  1. Next Meeting 18th March 2021