January 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Thursday 26th January, 2022 at 6:30pm in Franklin Hall, Spilsby. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllr E Day (Deputy Mayor), M Gibson, W Rose, T Taylor and M Wragg; and County Cllr W Bowkett.
Town Clerk, J Sargent and Deputy Town Clerk, R Ford.
Opening Remarks
Cllr Liz Day welcomed all present, reminding Councillors about emergency exits and safety protocols; to turn phones off and appropriate conduct.
Public Session
There were two members of the public in attendance. A resident enquired about plans for the King’s coronation event. Cllr Day advised there will not be a beacon lighting to mark the event, however, there is a group planning an event. Councillors held a brief discussion on the events committee and the possibility of holding an event in the town centre. Road and car park closures were all mentioned due to the time scale involved.
Bruce Knight from the Spilsby Sessions House informed Councillors of the successful bid to the levelling up fund and to thank the Town Council for support. Spilsby Sessions House is the only theatre in the UK to get awarded funding for a full restoration project. Councillors congratulated Bruce and the Sessions House team for their hard work, to what will become an asset to the town.
It was resolved unanimously to move to into formal session as there were no further questions or comments.
116. Apologies.
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr T Kemp (Mayor), M Gale D Mangion, L Marsh, and A Wright.
No apologies were received from Cllrs S Haddock or K Wood.
117. Declarations of Interest.
None received.
118. To approve as a correct record the minutes of Full Council Meeting on 24th November, 2022.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for November as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
119. To ratify the minutes of the Finance and Policies Meeting held on 19th January, 2023.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for January Finance and Policies Meeting as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
120. To approve the Accounts for:
a. November 2022
b. December 2022
With no matters arising the accounts for November and December were resolved unanimously.
c. January 2023
i. Payment of invoices for approval
1. LALC Subscription
2. LIVES - Defibrillator maintenance
After a brief discussion on the benefits of defibrillator maintenance contract, it was resolved unanimously to approve both invoices.
121. To receive a bank reconciliation for:
a. November 2022
b. December 2022
The Clerk provided up to date bank reconciliations so Councillors are aware of the Council’s financial status.
122. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.
Mayor’s Report
No report received.
Recreation Ground
No report received.
Grammar School Foundation
Cllr Gibson updated Councillors that the next meeting will be in February to hand out donations.
No report received.
No report received.
Community Speed Watch
Cllr Day advised the group had not been out since October but plan to start again in the spring.
Good Neighbourhood Scheme
Cllr Gibson advised Councillors that the afternoon tea held on Friday 9th December went well. However, like in many groups, they are struggling for volunteers.
Spilsby Business Partnership
No report received.
Town Clerk’s Report
The Clerk emailed a report to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Clerk mentioned a company that want to install a clothes bank to generate a small amount of income. Councillors agreed that there were already clothes banks in the town that were for charitable causes and this was not necessary.
The Clerk also reported someone using a metal detector on the Recreation Ground, digging holes causing potential hazards. The Chair of the Recreation Ground Committee has reported this to the Police.
123. To discuss community matters with and to receive reports from Lincolnshire County Councillor and East Lindsey District Councillors.
District Cllr Mangion emailed a written report, distributed to Councillors prior to the meeting.
Cllr Bowkett reported that along with the Clerks, County Cllr Richard Davie - portfolio holder for Highways, conducted a review of the pedestrian crossings in Spilsby and the potential improvements.
Cllr Bowkett reported on discussions held regarding the employment of a school patrol crossing officer for safer crossings. The Town Council will have to advertise the role but LCC will pay the salary.
Cllr Bowkett also mentioned installing cycle racks in Spilsby, having enquired as to whether funding could be included in the active travel scheme.
124. To receive an update on the Halton Road housing development.
Cllr Taylor reported that the development looks to have stalled. With the project not making any progress, the new Surgery is also on hold.
125. To consider and approve a grant application from:
LIVES submitted a request for funding to go towards defibrillator pads used in LIVES vehicles. It was resolved unanimously to donate £250.00 towards the costs.
126. King Charles III Coronation Event
a. To receive an update on the event
The Deputy Clerk recommended appointing a Councillor to take the lead on organising the event or liaising with the community events group to report to the Council.
Cllr Rose has attended meetings with the events team and volunteered to continue doing so. The Clerks are to contact the group for a further update.
b. To consider buying the union flags
The Business Partnership advised the current flags are looking worse for wear. To buy new flags would be £151.20 for 48. The Council were presented with 2 options: for the Council to buy and store the flags or to donate to the Business Partnership to buy the flags.
It was resolved unanimously for the Council to purchase and store the flags, and make them available to the Business Partnership.
c. To consider a permanent commemoration of the coronation
Cllr Rose lead the discussion on implementing a permanent tribute to mark the event, possibly refurbishing the information boards on the toilet block, including a crest commemorating the date of the coronation, installing bike racks, flower baskets and benches with a commemorative plaque. It might involve removing a park space to accommodate this which would require approval from ELDC.
It was resolved unanimously to get quotes and research further.
Cllr Day recommended a permanent tribute could be located in the Rose Garden opposite Sainsbury’s.
127. To receive an update from the Recreation Ground Play Area working group
Councillors were presented with the first quote to be received from a play area equipment company, to show the scale of the project and the potential costs. Additional quotes have been requested. The Clerk’s recommended this project be spread over several years, undertaking major works first and adding and improving year on year.
Councillors requested putting an article in the Explorer, detailing the plans and the costs with a request for funding to go towards the new play area.
Cllr Bowkett recommended several companies to request grant funding. The Clerk to investigate.
128. To consider a 12 week sponsorship for the Monday market stall for The Utility Warehouse
Councillors were concerned this was a pyramid sales scheme, rather than self-employed stalls that the Council usually sponsor. It was resolved unanimously to refuse the sponsorship.
129. To consider capital projects for 2023-24.
The Clerk advised this was defered from the November meeting to allow more time for Councillors to bring ideas to Council. Councillors discussed installing town gates, however, this was taken out of the budget.
Further flower displays were considered at the junction on the A16 as the displays in the town over the previous year have been well received.
No motions were proposed.
130. To consider an event for Franklin Week 2023.
After a brief discussion on previous it was resolved unanimously to put flags and bunting up which could be left up for the coronation as well as new banners advertising Franklin Week. With Franklin Week being so close to the coronation, Councillors felt it would be better to plan somehing for 2024.
131. To review existing CCTV contract and consider new options.
The Clerk advised the invoices for the current CCTV supplier - GSGB are still outstanding. The Council need to decide whether to continue with the service from GBSG. The Boston CCTV hub have quoted for maintenance and monitoring, however, they would like to offer a different solution to the current set up of the cameras. A quote for this has not yet been received.
Councillors asked the Clerk to get another opinion on the CCTV set up before paying any further invoices.
132. To consider bicycle parking in Spilsby
Councillors felt like this was considered as a part of the permanent tribute to the Kings coronation event. No discussion took place.
With no further matters, Cllr Day closed the meeting at 8:00pm.