September 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 28 September, 2023 at 6:30pm in Franklin Hall, Spilsby. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllrs L Day (Deputy Mayor), A Day, M Gibson, D Mangion, L Marsh, W Rose, T Taylor, and M Wragg; and Lincolnshire County Councillor W Bowkett.
Town Clerk - J Sargent and Deputy Town Clerk - S Thomas
Public Session
With no members of the public in attendance, it was resolved unanimously to move to into formal session.
To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Councillor W Bowkett
Cllr Bowkett reported that LCC are supporting the importance of regular Blood Pressure Checks. Cllr Bowkett reported issues with single use vapes which the Government are looking into banning. The County Council are supporting the Covid 19 booster campaign which has now started. There is no RAAC in any Schools in Lincolnshire. A site has been found which is next to the Buttercross Car Park for the bike racks to be installed, further investigation is required. Roadworks on Eresby Avenue/Ancaster Avenue will be carried out from 23rd October 2023 to 27th October 2023, 7.30am to 5pm. There will be times during these works whereby residents will be unable to use their vehicles, but they are welcome to speak to the contractors on site to arrange times when their cars can be used. LCC have given another £10 million to the Highways Department towards roadworks in the next year, which makes a total of £17 million. Repairs to the footpath on Boston Road will be done next year.
To receive a report from District County Councillor E Marsh
Cllr Marsh sent a report via email, distributed to the Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Rose questioned why the hand sanitizer station on the toilet block has still not been removed by ELDC. The Clerk advised it is on their jobs list. Cllr Taylor agreed to remove the damaged hand sanitizer station. Councillors expressed concerns over the potential closure of the public toilets. The Clerk to make enquires with ELDC as to whether there are any plans to close the public toilets.
58. Welcome
Cllr L Day welcomed all present, reminding Councillors about emergency exits and safety protocols; to turn phones off and appropriate conduct.
59. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr T Kemp.
60. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Rose declared an interest in item 14a and Cllr Gibson in item 13.
61. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council Meeting of the on 26th July 2023.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for July as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
62. To approve the accounts for July and August 2023.
With no matters arising the accounts for July and August were resolved unanimously.
63. To receive a bank reconciliation for July and August 2023.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the Council’s financial status, for information purposes only.
64. To consider alternative Broadband/Phone Line Provider.
After a brief discussion on the charges made by our current provider, it was resolved unanimously to defer this point to the next meeting so that more information could be obtained from other providers.
65. To consider using Scribe’s (Accounting software) Cemetery Database.
The Clerk provided a quote from Scribe detailing the costs of setting up and the maintenance of a new cemetery database system. Councillors discussed sending the records to Scribe for them to enter in the database, which would come at a cost, or employing a temp to perform the data entry. Cllr Rose suggested the Clerks enter the data as and when they can. After a discussion on time and costs of setting up the database, it was resolved unanimously to defer so that more information could be obtained on costs and times.
66. To consider purchasing a fire proof cabinet.
The Clerk advised Councillors that this had been a recommendation made in the end of year Internal Audit. Cllr Taylor informed the Council that a set of Fire Proof Drawers had been purchased previously for such documents. Unfortunately, the drawers were locked and the keys had been lost. It was resolved unanimously to either contact a Locksmith or purchase a replacement set of keys to gain access so that the drawers can be used. If required, the purchase of new cabinets be deferred to the next meeting.
67. To review Policies:
a. Standing Orders
b. Cemetery Policy
c. Health and Safety Policy
d. Reserves Policy
e. Risk Management
f. Publication Scheme.
The Clerk recommended an update to the Standing Orders regarding Section 3, point x, to extend the meeting by resolution up to 15 minutes if required, beyond the 2-hour time limit. With no further updates, it was resolved unanimously to adopt all policies.
The Clerk shared concerns over the requirements details in the Reserves Policy are not currently being met in relation to the sum held in reserves and asked Councillors to bear this in mind when considering the budget later in the year. It’s likely that an additional £25,000 - £35,000 will be needed to hold in reserve 6 months of operational funds.
68. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.
Mayor’s Report
No report received.
Recreation Ground
The Clerk informed Councillors that Tony Bailey, Chair of the Recreation Ground Committee emailed asking that the Council make a substantial donation towards their new project. Councillors expressed concerns over the Town Council’s financial position, possible implications with the precept and about being fair with all groups in the town that requested grant funding.
Cllr Taylor suggested the Recreation Ground Committee make their project known to developers who will be able to assist with section 106 funding and its planned replacement – the Community Infrastructure Levy. Cllr Taylor reiterated that the Town Council need to be kept in the loop regarding the redevelopment as Landlords. The Clerk to communicate regularly with Tony Bailey and keep the Councillors up to date.
The Clerk advised creating a Neighbourhood Plan as that will mean the Town Council are eligible to receive a larger percentage from the Community Infrastructure Levy. The Clerk to conduct further research.
An invite has been sent to Tony Bailey to discuss the Town Council’s support for their new project.
Grammar School Foundation
Cllr Gibson reported that the old Honours Boards from the Grammar and Franklin Schools have now been erected at the Franklin Hall. He has also been given a large box of old photographs. Some of these have already given to David Bruce at the New Life Centre and he has some photographs that he would like to give to Bruce Knight from Spilsby Theatre which could eventually go on display.
Funding to applicants has also been agreed. The next meeting will be in February.
No report submitted.
Cllr Mangion reported that at the last meeting an invitation from the Twinning Committee in Fresnay Sur Sarthe in France had been accepted and will be coming in May 2024. A grant application will be submitted for the Town Council to consider at the next meeting.
The Twinning Association would like the Town Council to consider a larger grant as the Twinning Association represents the town internationally. Previously, the Town Council have provided a larger grant.
Community Speed Watch
Cllr Day reported that the group had not been out due to bad weather, illness, holidays and a lack of volunteers. They are due to go out in early October. They will be carrying out checks on Ashby Road (opposite the old Tong Engineering Site) and Boston Road (opposite Ancaster Avenue). It was agreed that other local Parish Councils be contacted to see if they would be interested in joining the Group.
Good Neighbourhood Scheme
Cllr Gibson reported that the Scheme had been quiet recently. DBS checks are being carried out on the volunteers. The next Committee Meeting is to be held on the 24th October 2023.
Cllr Taylor mentioned that grants are available for warm hubs.
Spilsby Business Partnership
No report received.
Town Clerk’s Report
A report had been sent out to Councillors prior to the meeting. No follow up questions were put to the Clerk. The Clerk informed the Council that he had been on a training day at the LALC offices with a plan to continue with his studies to become CiLCA qualified.
69. To receive an update on the Christmas Market preparations for 2nd December, 2023.
Cllr Rose explained that the plans are progressing well for the Christmas Market, much of the paperwork was completed earlier in the year and that funds are in place for the entertainment. The Clerk explained that the Christmas Tree will be in place on 19th November, with the lights scheduled to be erected in the following 10 days. The Christmas Market to run on the same day at Cracker Day. There is currently an issue with finding a new location for a power supply on The Terrace for the Christmas lights, but enquiries are being made with businesses to help.
70. To consider a grant application from Franklin Hall
After a brief discussion mentioning the recent thefts of lead from the hall’s roof and the commemorative poppy that was on display, it was resolved unanimously to donate £250.00 for the installation of CCTV in Franklin Hall. Councillors mentioned that not only would improvements to the CCTV be beneficial for Franklin Hall but also for the Town Council with the belongings housed in the office and chamber.
71. Allotments:
a. To consider an application to install a shed and polytunnel.
It was resolved unanimously to approve the application for the shed and polytunnel.
72. To consider holding a Civic Service/Recognition Day Celebration
Cllrs Rose and Marsh explained that they had discussed how this could be moved forward. It would not be a religious service or civic service, but a recognition event of community groups, local people and local businesses that benefitted the town.
The Town Council could invite groups/people/businesses to the event to receive an award and give them a chance to explain what they do/have done to inspire others. The Franklin Hall could be the venue which can hold around 300 people. The event could be held in May 2024, to also incorporate the outgoing and incoming Mayors. Councillors could decide on the categories and perhaps have awards sponsored by local businesses. Each category would be open to nominations and then nominees would be voted for by the residents. Food and drink could also be provided at the event.
Cllr E Day queried the costs of the event. Cllr Marsh suggested the event and awards could be sponsored to reduce costs.
Cllr Marsh is to arrange for letters/emails be sent out to cavass for ideas from people about how the event should be put together. It was resolved unanimously to continue with plans for the event.
73. To consider appointing two members to represent the Town Council at the Friends of RAF Spilsby Remembrance Service.
Cllrs Taylor and Mangion agreed to attend the Friends of RAF Spilsby Remembrance Service. Cllr Taylor explained that the foundations at RAF Spilsby are in desperate need of repair.
Cllr Gibson mention the entire base will have to be re-laid. The Clerk to email the Friends of RAF Spilsby on the representatives attending from the Town Council and potential grants the group could apply for as well as the District Councillors contact information.
74. To consider taking on responsibility of the new Franklin Boards from ELDC
The information boards on the public toilets have recently been updated. It was agreed that the new boards are an improvement. After a brief discussion, it was resolved unanimously that these boards remain the responsibility of ELDC as they are located on their building.
75. To consider installing a ‘Spilsby Town Council’ sign on the front wall of Franklin Hall.
The erection of a sign has been agreed by the Franklin Hall Committee. It was resolved unanimously to obtain quotes to be considered at a later date.
76. To receive an update on the refurbishment of the Play Area.
The Clerk gave a brief update on a recent meeting held with the supplier. Kiran from Proludic advised that work at the play area should not commence until the Lottery Grant has been obtained. We currently have £76,000 in funding towards the refurbishment. Once the Lottery Grant has been given, the order will be placed in January 2024 and work could commence in April 2024.
With no further matters, the Cllr Day closed the meeting at 7:45pm.