October 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 25th October, 2023 at 6:30pm in Franklin Hall, Spilsby. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllrs T Kemp (Mayor), M Gibson, L Marsh, W Rose, T Taylor, and M Wragg. East Lindsey District Councillor E Marsh and Lincolnshire County Councillor W Bowkett.
Town Clerk - J Sargent and Deputy Town Clerk - S Thomas. There were 2 residents in attendance.
Public Session
Resident 1, from Ancaster Avenue, attended to discuss issues caused the recent flooding during Storm Babet. The resident explained that the water from the playing field had run off into the road where there are two ‘Sleeping Policemen’, the water was stuck in between them and could not flow away from this area. As the rain continued the water built up and eventually entered their front gardens, however, the water did not go into their property. Cllr Bowkett had been to have a look at the playing field and advised that the drainage was adequate.
The resident thanked neighbours and other residents who had helped with placing sand bags in front of their property to alleviate the issue and redirect traffic away from the flooded road. The resident also asked if the ‘Sleeping Policemen’ could be removed as they contributed to the issues.
No further questions were put to the Town Council. Cllr Kemp thanked the residents for attending and sharing their concerns.
To receive a report from Lincolnshire County Councillor W Bowkett
Following Storm Babet, there are now issues with flooding in Halton Holegate and Halton Fenside which appear to be from water flowing from Lady Jane Franklin estate downhill towards Halton Holegate and Halton Fenside, accumulating there. Cllr Bowkett is looking into this issue together with the Chair of Halton Holegate Parish Council - Cllr David Sisson.
The works on Eresby Avenue have started and again reiterated that if any of the residents there have any issues to speak to the contractors and they will try to assist. Cllr Kemp thanked County Cllr Bowkett on behalf of the Town Council for all her hard work during this difficult time. Cllr Bowkett also advised that the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership had been looking into the issues of cars parking on Ashby Road during School hours. They are waiting for permission to be granted for a School Crossing Patrol person; once granted they will look into appointing someone.
To receive a report from District County Councillor E Marsh
District Cllr E Marsh emailed a report, distributed to Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Kemp thanked Cllr E Marsh on behalf of the Town Council for all her hard work during the recent flooding.
Cllr Gibson asked if a planning application had been submitted for some building works on land at the back of properties on Tasman Road. Both Cllr Marsh and Cllr Bowkett suggested that this will not be approved and that they were looking into the possibility of it being made into a car park if a new estate was built on Halton Road.
With no further matters it was resolved unanimously to move into formal session.
77. Welcome
Cllr T Kemp welcomed all present, reminding Councillors about emergency exits and safety protocols; to turn phones off and appropriate conduct.
78. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllrs L Day (Deputy Mayor), A Day & D Mangion.
79. Declarations of Interest
Non received.
80. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 27th September 2023.
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes for September as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
81. To approve the accounts for September 2023.
With no matters arising the accounts for September were resolved unanimously.
82. To receive a bank reconciliation for September 2023.
The Clerk provided a bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the Council’s financial status, for information purposes only.
83. To receive a budget review for the second quarter of the financial year.
The Town Clerk provided a budget review for the second quarter of the financial year. Expenditure through the first 2 quarters is at £45,000, however, the forecast predicts that expenditure will be higher during the next 2 quarters.
Cllr Rose asked whether the reserves were adequate. The Town Clerk advised that the reserves are not currently sufficient and are around £30,000 short to comply with the Financial Regulations. A draft budget will be presented in November, where this can be considered further.
84. To review Policies:
a. Code of Conduct
b. Financial Regulations
Cllr Gibson mentioned a spelling mistake and that the figures in the Financial Regulations had been updated. With no further matters arising it was resolved unanimously to adopt both policies.
85. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.
Mayor’s Report
The Mayor and the Town Clerk had attended several meetings regarding the Playground and the planning issues arising from it.
Recreation Ground
No report received.
Grammar School Foundation
Cllr Gibson reported that items and documents relating to Sir John Franklin were now in the store cupboard in Franklin Hall together with other historical items. Cllr Gibson has one box of items relating to the Grammar School and intends to contact Bruce Knight from the Sessions House to see if he would like it. Posters will be put up soon regarding applying for grants from the Grammar School Foundation.
Cllr L Marsh reported that there had been no meetings since our last Town Council Meeting. There will be a meeting coming up very soon as there will be a large pay out in December.
The Twinning Committee have held a meeting and it was decided that a couple of fundraising events will be held early next year in order to fund the visit from Fresnay Sur Sarthe in May 2024.
Good Neighbourhood Scheme
Cllr Gibson reported that the group is still operating. DBS checks are still ongoing and they are looking into attending a Safeguarding course. Their next ‘Afternoon Tea’ is taking place on Friday 8th December. A Spilsby Good Neighbourhood Scheme Facebook page has been set up but it is not being used for its intended purpose. The Committee are trying to limit what is being put up on this page to make sure posts are appropriate and relevant. The group are not receiving many referrals and do not have many volunteers for the scheme. They are looking into getting advice from the Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service regarding ‘Befriending’. There are now some new leaflets which are now on display in Franklin Hall and in the library.
Community Speedwatch
No report received.
Spilsby Business Partnership
No report received.
Town Clerk’s Report
The Clerk emailed a report to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Remembrance Parade is taking place on Sunday 12th November at 10.30am. Cllrs Mangion and Taylor will be attending the Service at RAF Spilsby.
A Christmas Tree Festival is taking place at St James’ Church, Spilsby at a cost of £10.00 per tree. The Town Clerk asked if the Council wanted to have a tree put up. Cllr Marsh agreed to arrange and decorate the tree on behalf of the Town Council.
86. To receive an update on the Christmas Market preparations for 2nd December, 2023. Cllr Rose explained that a committee has now been set up including David Bruce from the New Life Centre and Bruce Knight from the Sessions House, with a bank account being arranged by the group’s treasurer David Isaacs. First Aid for the day has been arranged. The next meeting is taking place on Monday 6th November. Cllr Rose questioned how much the Town Council had budgeted for the Christmas Market. The Clerk to confirm. The group have managed to secure some grants for the event. David Isaacs to contact the Clerk over grant funding for the Christmas Market and other events the group intend on putting on in the town.
The Christmas Tree is being delivered on Sunday 19th November at 10:00am. The Rotary Club have asked for volunteers from the Council to assist in decorating the tree.
87. To consider a grant applications from:
a. Spilsby Rotary
Councillors mentioned that the ‘Bike Night’ is one of the most successful events in the town and it’s very well attended.
The Clerk mentioned the Council donated to LIVES last year to go towards their operational costs. Cllr Marsh advised that Spilsby Fire Station have lost their provision to accommodate LIVES due to a lack of volunteers. Cllr Marsh requested asking LIVES to conduct a recruitment drive for volunteers in Spilsby.
It was resolved unanimously to donate £250.00 to Spilsby Rotary Club for the annual ‘Bike Night’ with a proviso of recognition for the Town Council and £250.00 to LIVES for their operational costs with a proviso of recruitment drive for volunteers in the town.
88. To receive an update on the Recognition Day Celebration.
Cllr Marsh reported that letters have been sent out to local businesses and groups such as the New Life Centre and Spilsby Christian Fellowship. The letter gives an outline of the structure of the event but asks for any other ideas or suggestions. To date, one reply has been received from Walnut Care, who are quite enthusiastic and have agreed to help sponsor an award.
Cllr Marsh has also been in contact with a Company in Lincoln who can supply trophies. It is hoped that if local businesses are willing to make a donation it will help pay for the trophies and provide food and refreshments for the event. Cllr Marsh is now waiting for responses. The intention to hold Recognition Day event in May 2024.
89. To receive an update on the refurbishment of the Play Area.
The Clerk reported that two more enquiries about grant funding have been made to the FCC Communities Foundation (Landfill Communities Fund) and the Town Council have been invited to submit an application to the Community Ownership Fund for £50,000, after approval of the expression of interest.
Cllr Wragg asked is the play equipment was easily available. The Clerk confirmed that from point of order it takes about eight weeks with the equipment being custom made. Some items will be specific to Spilsby, as detailed on the plans.
90. To consider applying for the Local Council Award Scheme.
The Clerk explained that the Local Council Award Scheme would show that the Council were meeting best practice criteria. Councillors mention that there doesn’t appear to be any negatives about entering the Scheme. The cost is £50.00. It was resolved unanimously to sign up to the Scheme.
91. To consider granting permission for the development of the Playzone, SkatePark and Pavillion Extension at the Recreation Ground.
The Clerk informed Councillors that the Chair of the Recreation Ground committee - Tony Bailey asked the Town Council to formally approve the development as it’s on Town Council owned land. It was resolved unanimously to support the development.
Cllr Kemp said that he had been in conversation with Mr Bailey about the possibility of installing CCTV when the Town Council’s current CCTV contract comes to an end and that the Town Council would possibly bear the cost of this, so this may be a benefit in kind.
The Clerk advised he had written to Marc Jones PCC about the issues with the CCTV system and asking for some funding, especially with the loss of PCSO’s. Marc Jones has agreed to set up a meeting with the Recreation Ground Committee and the Town Council to find a way forward. The Clerk will update Councillors when the meeting is arranged.
92. To consider a reply to the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership’s Sub- Regional Strategy Consultation.
Cllrs Kemp and Taylor mentioned the benefits of the partnership, particularly in terms of financial savings and with regard to seeking help from central government. It was resolved unanimously that the Clerk and Deputy Clerk were to reply on behalf of the Town Council.
93. To consider quotes for Broadband and Phone Line Provider.
Quotes have been received from ‘Switch Experts’, ‘Talktalk’ and ‘BT’. The Clerk has asked BT for a like for like quote but to date have not received a response. It was resolved unanimously to defer this item to the next meeting.
94. To consider purchasing a Fire Proof Cabinet.
This was deferred from September as the cabinet discussed at the last meeting was not fire proof, confirmed by Cllr Marsh. Councillors reasoned that the Fire Proof Cabinet is a necessity to protect important information. A new cabinet would replace the unit currently being used in the Clerk’s Office to safely store all of the financial documents and cemetery records. It was resolved unanimously that a Fire Proof Cabinet be purchased, with the best priced option being from A J Products.
95. To consider improvement to the Rose Garden on Boston Road.
Two new benches have been installed there by the Town Council and some new flowers have been put in the planters. The Clerk put to Councillors the idea of working with East Lindsey District Council, as it is their land, to make improvements to the area such as planting rose bushes. It was resolved unanimously that this be deferred to the next meeting and prices for the work to be carried out.
With no further matters, the Cllr Kemp closed the meeting at 7:21pm.
22nd November 2023