FC January 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 23rd January 2020 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby


Present: - Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman)


Cllr L Day        Cllr M Gibson              Cllr S Haddock           Cllr M Holland Cllr T Kemp

Cllr L Marsh    Cllr D Mangion            Cllr A Wright


Also Present; Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk, (TC)), Mrs K Appleby (Deputy Town Clerk (DTC)) and 3 members of the public


Public Session- A resident complained that the litter in town was bad.

ACTION- TC to contact ELDC re complaint.

The resident said that they were trying to promote events within a town and clubs and societies and suggested that a video could be made. They also reported that when the Lloyds Mobile fails to attend, there are several people who have the mobile branch route update line telephone number.

Mr Andrew Fitzgerald gave a presentation to the Council regarding the Men’s Shed project he is hoping to start.


The Council Meeting started at 7.25pm


  1. Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Lowe (holiday) and Cllr Wood (family commitments)


  1. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011


None received


  1. Notes of previous meetings


  1. Full Council Meeting 28th November 2019
  2. Employment and governance Meeting 5th December 2019
  3. Community Action Meeting 16th January 2020


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meetings.


  1. To received brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.


Mayor-Cllr Taylor reported that the events held over the Christmas period were well organised and attended. He had been to the launch of the Billy Butlins Special Train.

Poorlands- Cllr Marsh reported that he had assisted Mrs Tong with the pay out at St James’.

Twinning- TC reported that there would be a visit from Fresnay in July to coincide with the Spilsby Show weekend. There would be a visit to Bassum over the August Bank Holiday weekend. There are two fund raising events planned-a Race Night at Partney Village Hall on the 21st March and the BYJO Concert in June.

Good Neighbourhood Scheme- Cllr Gibson reported that the coffee mornings had now changed to the first Friday in the month and that the Co-op were providing refreshments.

Community Speed Watch- Cllr Marsh reported that the scheme was going well and there were many vehicles being reported. He said that the numbers of second letters were going down which proved that the scheme was being effective. The new site on Boston Road was proving effective. Cllr Haddock added that in some places, the scheme has made a big difference.

Town Clerk- TC tabled a report of the office activities. She reported that there had been a problem with the new building works due at Eresby School in that the contractors wanted to put their facilities portacabin in front of the gates to the playing fields off Eresby Avenue. This could have an impact on the Spilsby Show as the gates are used for access. She said that she had made the Recreation Ground Committee aware of the situation and until the issue had been resolved then permission to block the access would not be given. The work is expected to last 18 months. TC also reminded Councillors about the Viable and Vital Workshop part 2 being held.


  1. Employment and Governance Meeting held 5th December 2019


It was RESOLVED to ratify all resolutions.


  1. Community Action Meeting held 16th January 2020


It was RESOLVED to ratify all resolutions.


  1. Fire Service Report


Cllr Marsh reported that there had been a successful Halloween event at the Fire Station. The Annual sleigh Event had raised £1500. All incidents in the area had been arrived at within the allotted time.


  1. Community Engagement Day Working Party


It was decided not to start arrangements until VE75 Day.

It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Marsh, Holland, Day and Lowe would form the working party.


  1. Grant Applications


It was RESOLVED to donate £550 to the Spilsby Light Night

It was RESOLVED to donate £250 to Spilsby Brownies


  1. LALC Annual Training Scheme


It was RESOLVED to join the scheme at a cost of £150.


  1. Action Points from the Away Day


Creation of a Councillors Skill Base

Cllr Holland said it was a good idea in principle but hard for Councillors to set time aside and take on extra work. He said he felt that this may be more difficult than fist thought. Cllr Day said she felt that new Councillors would gravitate to certain Councillors anyway.


Cllr Mangion arrived at 8pm


It was RESOLVED to contact Councillors as necessary by whatever method was most suitable.

‘Pop-up’ Councillor Surgeries

Cllr Holland said that the Council need to make sure that they are they are out there and being known and seen. He suggested that surveys could be done face to face. Cllr Taylor suggested once a month throughout the summer.

It was RESOLVED to have surgeries from May-September in the Market Place plus any other events.

ACTION- Cllr Marsh to set up a ‘WhatsApp’ group to co-ordinate surgeries.

DTC suggested to the Council that Sainsbury’s and the Co-op could also be used.

Purchase of electronic notebooks

Cllr Taylor said that there was a lot of time wasted printing items for meetings and this took up a lot of the clerks’ time. Cllr Wright volunteered to research suitable notebooks and look at the various specifications available. Cllr Kemp said the felt this was not a good use of resources.

It was RESOLVED that electronic notebooks be purchased.


  1. Orders for payment and income Nov/Dec 2019/Jan 2020


It was RESOLVED to accept all order for payment


  1. It was RESOLVED to move to closed session to discuss confidential finance matters.



The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm