FC February 2020 Minutes EOM

Minutes of the Extra-ordinary meeting of the Full Council held on Tuesday, 18th February 2020 at7pm in the Council Chamber, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby.


Present: Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman)


Cllr M Gibson  Cllr S Haddock           Cllr M Holland             Cllr D Mangion            Cllr B Rose

Cllr K Wood     Cllr A Wright


Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk (TC)), Mrs K Appleby (Deputy Town Clerk (DTC))


Absent: Cllr T Kemp


14.       Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Day, Cllr Marsh and Cllr Lowe.


15.       Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011


None received


16.       Communications Strategy


Cllr Taylor explained the reason for this item was to make sure that staff time was being used effectively.


  1. Response for attendances- Councillors were reminded that they need to let the TC know if they are unable to attend meetings. It will be assumed that Councillors will attend meetings unless otherwise notified.
  2. Response to emails sent out by the Clerks- Councillors were reminded that they should always to emails even if it is a ‘nil comment’
  3. Information only’ emails- The TC said that she did not want replies to this type of email as they were for information only. If a Councillor would like an item regarding this type of email, then they should say which committee it is for with a clear indication of what the Council are required to consider.
  4. Browser platform-

It was RESOLVED to use ‘Google’ as the browser platform.

The TC had ordered 14 Lenovo notebooks as previously Resolved

  1. Report forms for meetings, timing of distribution for consideration prior to meetings- Cllr Taylor said that if everything is used in this format then it is easier to distribute. Once the form is completed, then it can be sent to the Clerks to be distributed. Report forms to be sent in one week before the meeting.


17.Website proposals


The TC said that two quotations had been received to build a bespoke website for the Town Council.

Cllr Wright declared a Pecuniary Interest and left the room while discussions took place.


Cllr Mangion arrived at 7.25pm


The Clerks said that they were attending a training course being run by LCC for the new Parishes Website. The TC said that the current website was easy to use and update however it was not a modern as some other Councils websites.


It was RESOLVED to put on hold until May until the new LCC Website for parishes had been evaluated.

18.       Job Evaluation for Clerks and re designation of Spilsby Town Council to LC2


It was said that the Clerks had cleared a backlog of work however the problem of work load needed to be looked at in depth and whether or not there were enough working hours in the week to cover the work load as it now existed.

It was RESOLVED to engage the services of Personal Advice Solutions to carry out the job evaluation at a cost of £100.

The Council considered the differences between the duties carried out by an LC1 and an LC2 council.

The TC said that she would be willing to work extra hours is that was necessary. The DTC said that she was unable to work extra hours.

It was RESOLVED that Spilsby Town Council be designated an LC2 Council.

It was RESOLVED to wait until after the job evaluation findings were received to decide on which salary spine points the clerks should be allocated to following the decision to become an LC2 Council.


19.       Payment of extra hours work for the Town Clerk and review of Flexible working hours


  1. It was RESOLVED to pay the Town Clerk 70 hours extra hours for the work done to clear the back log of work.


  1. There were only a few adjustments to be made to the Flexible Working Hours arrangements due to the change of opening hours and hours of work by the TC. The TC will update the agreement.


  1. Change of working hours of the Town Clerk

It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will work Monday-9am-5pm, Tues 9am to 1pm Wednesday, a none working day, Thursday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 1pm starting 1 March 2020.


20.       Events Working Group


It was RESOLVED that there would be an Events Working Group. Cllrs Rose, Wood, Haddock, Holland.

As some Councillors were absent, they could be co-opted onto the group.



The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.35pm