FC July 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 23rd July 2020 at 7pm via video conferencing.


Present: Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman)


Cllr M Gibson              Cllr S Haddock           Cllr M Holland             Cllr T Kemp     Cllr E Lowe

Cllr L Marsh                Cllr D Mangion            Cllr B Rose                  Cllr A Wright


Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk (TC)), Cllr Wendy Bowkett (LCC County Councillor)


Public Session


Cllr Bowkett (LCC) tabled a report to the Council. She said that she was concerned about the large development and will zoom in on the meeting next week. She said that she thought 450 houses were too many and 100 would be more acceptable.

She said that there had been a complaint from a resident on Boston Road regarding the traffic and that Cllr Mangion (ELDC) had asked that she take it forward. She said that she does not understand how she can do that. Cllr Mangion said that it is a residential area and need an alternative solution. He said that this was the only person on the road that has complained and that it has to be set clear what can be done.

Cllr Bowkett said that Spilsby wants to expand the industrial site and that will mean more traffic. The town can either support Spilsby or let it die. Spilsby had decided to improve. Cllr Mangion said that he thought the person should hear it from the County Council that nothing can be done and that it needed someone from the County Council to answer. Cllr Marsh felt a that a compromise with the resident might be possible and look at a proper crossing for the play area at the brow of the hill. Cllr Bowkett suggested having an onsite meeting to look at the problem and take it to highways as necessary.

Cllr Wright said that if they are expecting the traffic to go right into town there will be a lot of complaints and said why should the lorries go through town. He said that it was the speed that was the main problem.

ACTION- Cllr Marsh to liaise with TC and Cllr Bowkett to arrange a meeting date.


82.       Apologies


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Day (family commitments) and Cllr Wood (family commitments)


83.       Declaration of Interest under the Localism Act 2011




84.       Notes of Previous Meetings


  1. Full Council Meeting held on 25th June 2020
  2. Extra ordinary Meeting of the Full Council held on 29th June 2020
  3. Extra ordinary Meeting of the Full Council held on 30th June 2020
  4. Allotments/Cemetery Meeting held on 2nd July 2020
  5. Community Action Meeting held on 16th July 2020


It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meetings.




85.To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor and Town Clerk


Mayor- The Mayor said that there had been no civics and no Mayoral duties. He said that he had been busy with the Neighbourhood Plan Campaign and the stall on Market Day.

Town Clerk- TC tabled a report of the office activities. A third complaint had been received from the same person regarding speeding traffic, empty housing and parking in the town centre. Cllr Bowkett said that Russell Crockford of Highways was still assessing the parking in the town centre and that the empty houses were coming back into use now that the COVID 19 restrictions on house viewing and letting had relaxed. A CSW had been arranged but had to be postponed due to Council business.


86.Allotments/Cemetery Meeting 2 July 2020


Para 19- it was RESOLVED to make the changes to the greenhouse sizes, acknowledgment of the Allotment Association on official documentation.

Para 20-it was RESOLVED to accept the amendments to the Allotments Policy.

Para 22-it was RESOLVED to allow fundraising activities on the Allotments.

Para 23-it was RESOLVED to accept the income as tabled

Para 24-it was RESOLVED to accept the schedule of price increases

Para 26-it was RESOLVED to accept the risk assessment tabled

Para 27-it was RESOLVED to accept the reviewed Cemetery Policy with the listed price increases

Para 29-it was RESOLVED to allow the Allotments Association to undertake a routine of green manure on the vacant plots.

Para 31-it was RESOLVED not to allow memorial benches within the Cemetery

Para 33-it was RESOLVED to accept the income for the Cemetery


87.Community Action Meeting 16 July 2020


Para 31-it was RESOLVED not to take responsibility for the public conveniences in town.

Para 31-it was RESOLVED to investigate funding for the land at the rear of Post office Lane Car Park to plant an orchard.

Para 32-it was RESOLVED to apply for a PSPO for the recreation ground in consultation with the RG committee.


88.Update on Community Engagement


Cllr Lowe said that the business in town had received a letter and a form. There was still the Industrial Estate to do. There had been quite a few positives. People are talking about the houses and what they need. Cllr Marsh had been checking the emails. There was some negativity to being with and he had asked that people look at the broader issues on the leaflet and now more constructive feedback has been received.

Cllr Taylor said that the next stall will be on the 10 August and four weekly after that.

ACTION- Cllr Marsh to put that on the Facebook page.

Cllr Taylor said that leaflets had been given to Halton Holgate Parish Clerk and that Hundleby had been done. He said that the Facebook page is working well and some returns have been good.


89.Campaign for the Protection of Rural England


It was RESOLVED to renew the subscription at a cost of £36





90. Orders for Payment and Income June to July 2020


It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment


91. It was RESOLVED to move to closed session to discuss personnel matters.


It was RESOLVED that Spilsby Town Council as an LC2 sits in the ‘substantive bench mark’ and that the Town Clerk should be paid within those spine points and that the Deputy Clerk should be paid in the ‘below substantive bench mark’ spine point.

Details of individual salary is confidential.



The Chairman close the meeting at 8.05pm.