FC November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 26th November 2020 at 7pm via video conferencing.


Present: Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman)


Cllr L Day        Cllr M Gibson              Cllr S Haddock           Cllr M Holland             Cllr T Kemp

Cllr E Lowe     Cllr D Mangion            Cllr L Marsh                Cllr B Rose


Absent Cllr K Wood


Also present; Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk)


Public Session


Cllr Mangion (ELDC District Councillor) Tabled a report


127.     Apologies


Cllr Wright sent apologies as he was unwell however these were not available for the meeting.


128.     Declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011




129.     Notes from the Full Council Meeting 22nd October 2020


It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting.


130.     To received brief reports from the Town Mayor and Town Clerk.


The Mayor and Clerk tables reports of their activities.

Cllr Mangion said again that there were other video conferencing systems available. The majority of the Councillors said that they were quite happy working with ‘zoom’. It was said that there are training sessions on the LALC Website for any Councillors who need it.


131.     Replacement CCTV system


It was RESOLVED to accept the recommendations of the CCTV Working Group by upgrading the system provided by GBSG Ltd.


132.     Monday Market Stall for Community Engagement.


Cllr Rose said that the Council needs to make sure that it knows what the purpose of it is. Cllr Taylor replied that it was all about community engagement. Cllr Lowe that the Council needed to say when it was going to start and how often would the stall be there. Cllr Day said that it was worthwhile and useful to talk to the public and to reconsider in the spring.

It was RESOLVED that the Council should continue to have a market stall when the market resumes and that the Community Engagement Group should organise the rota.


133.     Office Mobile Telephone


It was RESOLVED to purchase an office mobile telephone at a cost of £12 per month.




134.     Feedback from the LALC Training Courses


Cllr Rose and Cllr Haddock tabled a report on New Councillor Training, Powers and Procedures, Application for Grants and Planning.

Cllr Rose and Cllr Lowe had also attended a talk on the new Code of Conduct which had been delivered by Alan Robinson from West Lindsey. They are keen on everyone having as much training as possible.

Cllr Lowe said that mandatory training was covered and they talked about bullying which is not in the code at the minute. It was said that Councillors should be seen to be as an official of the Council when on social media.


135.     Update from Hight Street Initiative Taskforce.


A report was tabled. Cllr Holland asked if some money could be spent from the Hight Street Fund to pay for the small Christmas trees above the shops which were £35 each. If this was not possible, he asked if some funds could be taken from the Christmas Event budget.

It was RESOLVED to attempt to take money from the High Street Fund and if not to take money from the Christmas Event budget.


136.     Report from the Tree Officers on the recent survey undertaken.


A report was tabled. Cllr Gibson reported that there was nothing actually falling down. Some trimming was necessary as some of the light sensors were covered by branches. He said that they were hoping that the Tree Officer from ELDC would come again to look at the other areas.


137.     Update on Church Wall


Cllr Kemp said that there had been a lot of issues. The relevant people have now been instructed and he was hoping this would get things moving. He said that this was going to be a costly event. Once the specifications are received and it has been to the ecclesiastical body, then tenders can be sent out and the work completed.


138.     Report of the meeting concerning facilities for the youth of the town


Cllr Holland tabled a report. He said that there were problems with some teenage youths in town as they had nothing to do. The meeting was very positive. Cllr Bowkett was willing to help with consultation with the schools. He said that at the minute most of the funding was for Covid and keeping places Covid safe.

Cllr Day suggested contact Children in Need for funding.


139.     Planning Permissions to note


S/165/01524/20 4 Church Street, alterations to existing first floor flat to provide a replacement first floor window           

S/165/01662/20 The Foxes, Reynard St, change of use of outbuilding, conversion to self-contained dwelling           


140      Orders for Payment


It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment


The Chairman closed the meeting at 8pm.