FC June 2020 Minutes EOM


Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Full Council held on 29th June 2020 at 7.00pm via video conferencing.


Present: Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman)


Cllr L Day        Cllr M Gibson              Cllr S Haddock           Cllr E Lowe     Cllr D Mangion                                   


Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk (TC))

Apologies not received from Cllr Rose, Cllr, Kemp and Cllr Wright


72.       Apologies


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Holland (prior engagement) Cllr Marsh (work) and Cllr Wood (unwell)


73.       Declaration of Interest under the Localism Act 2011




74.Church Wall-Proposal made by Scorer and Hawkins (Architects) regarding the rebuild


All Councillors had received a copy of the letter with the proposal made.

Cllr Taylor said that York Sills (Civil and Constructing Engineers) seemed to be saying that the actual costs would be similar to that of January 2018. £1000 would also have to be allowed for a borehole to be sunk.

He felt that Scorer & Hawkins were saying that the Council needed all the extra people mentioned in the letter and that the Council was likely to get drown into further expenditure than necessary.

Cllr Gibson said that the Council needed a timescale and that he would like to know what peripheral costs are likely to be.

Cllr Taylor suggested going back to Scorer & Hawkins to obtain costings first. He said that they should be made aware the Council want Carrs Heritage to complete the work. This had been decided at a previous meeting.

It was RESOLVED to work with Scorer & Hawkins as indicated in the letter subject to an idea of the costs.



The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.50pm