FC February 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 27th February 2020 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby


Present; -Cllr Keziah Wood (Deputy Chairman)


Cllr L Day        Cllr M Gibson              Cllr S Haddock           Cllr M Holland             Cllr T Kemp

Cllr L Marsh    Cllr D Mangion            Cllr B Rose                  Cllr A Wight


Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk (TC)), Cllr Wendy Bowkett (LCC County Council)


21.       Apologies


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Lowe and Cllr Taylor (on holiday)


22.       Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011




23.       Notes of Previous Meetings


  1. Full Council Meting held on 24th January 2020
  2. Extra-ordinary Cull Council Meeting held on 18th February 2020
  3. Employment and Governance Meeting held on 31st January 2020
  4. Allotments and Cemetery Meeting held on 6th February 2020


It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meetings.


24.To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk.


Mayor- The Mayor had attended the Community Cuppa in the Franklin Hall which had been well attended by residents. He thanked Cllr Holland for standing in for him at the presentation to the Scouts of the buoyancy vests.

Recreation Ground- Cllr Wood reported that there is a meeting on the 10th March which Councillors should attend if possible.

Grammar School Foundation- Cllr Gibson reported that all the money had been allocated. The foundation is also responsible for some fixtures and fittings which are being kept in someone’s home and should be on display somewhere.

Twinning- TC reported that there is to be a Race Night to raise funds on the 21st March at Partney Victory Hall. She said that there was no representative at the moment since Cllr Gale’s resignation. Cllr Mangion asked if it would be possible to receive the minutes. It was decided to nominate a new representative at the May Meeting.

Good Neighbour Scheme- Cllr Gibson said that there is a meeting on the 9th March. He agreed that the coffee morning had gone well and the next one is on the 6th March.

Community Speed Watch- Cllr Day tabled a report.

Business Partnership- Cllr Wright said that he had not been to a meeting for a long time. Cllr Mangion said that he had written to them but had not received a reply.

Town Clerk- TC tabled a report of the office activities.


25.Employment and Governance Meeting held 31 January 2020


It was RESOLVED to ratify the resolutions.





26.Allotments and Cemetery Meeting held 5 February 2020


It was RESOLVED to ratify the resolutions.


27.Grant application from Spilsby Luncheon Club


TC said that there was no money left in the budget for the current financial year and any donation would have to be paid in the next financial year. A Proposal to give £250 was made by Cllr Holland and then an amendment was made by Cllr Wood to give £280. The amendment failed by 6 votes to 3.

It was RESOLVED to make a donation of £250 to be paid in April.


28.Church Wall Update


TC said that she had all the information necessary and that she would be passing it to the DAC to obtain the Faculty for the repairs.


29.Newtown Car Park Update


TC reported that she had obtained a copy of the title from Land Registry which showed that the Town Council did not own Newtown Car Park and that it was purchased in 2001 by Allison Holmes. Cllr Kemp said that the position needs to be explained to the current residents.

Standing Orders suspended

Cllr Bowkett suggested that the matter is put to Enforcement at ELDC.

Standing Orders reinstated

ACTION- TC to contact Enforcement at ELDC and write to relevant residents regarding the current position.


30.VE75 Celebrations Update


Cllr Day tabled a report. She said that the group were making progressive steps. Spilsby and Hundleby WIs are now taking part. U3A Singers will be entertaining and Ron Worth is going to give a talk on being an evacuee during the war.


31.Christmas Market Update


TC tabled a report.

ACTION – TC to send a list of meeting dates to Cllr Haddock and Cllr Rose


32.LALC membership 2020/21


It was RESOLVED to approve the membership of LALC at a cost of £532.14.


33.Orders for payment and income Jan/Feb 2020


It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment


The Chairman closed the meeting at 8pm