September 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 23rd September 2021 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby
Present: Cllr Terry Taylor, Cllr L Day, Cllr M Gibson, Cllr T Kemp, Cllr E Lowe, Cllr D Mangion, Cllr K Wood, Cllr A Wright.
Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk) (TC), Mrs R Ford (Deputy Town Clerk) (DTC)
Public Session
Cllr W Bowkett (LCC County Councillor) sent a report which was tabled Cllr D Mangion (ELDC District Councillor) sent a report which was tabled
It was RESOLVED to move onto the main meeting as there were no press or public in attendance.
131. Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Haddock, Cllr Marsh and Cllr Rose
132. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
133. Notes from Previous Meetings
a. Full Town Council Meeting 22nd July 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
b. Community Action Meeting 9th September 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
134. Reports from Town Mayor, Town Clerk and Representatives on Outside Bodies
The Town Mayor tabled a report of his activities
Recreation Ground (DM)– nothing to report
Grammar School Foundation -Cllr Gibson reported that there had been a meeting and the money allocated to the schools and that the amount of money had increased. There was to be an advertisement going out for a new trustee and also to accept applications from the fund.
Poorlands- Cllr Wood reported that the next meeting would be November.
Twinning – TC reported that nothing had been happening regarding visits however the French and Germans had exchange visits recently.
Good Neighbours Scheme- Cllr Gibson said that there had been no contact since the last meeting and they were due to have an AGM soon.
Community Speed Watch – Cllr Day reported that the team had been out twice and there were some new members and people returning to help.
Business Partnership – Cllr Mangion said that the BP does not have the backing of all the business in the town and they are trying to arrange a meeting via ELDC with the businesses.
135. To ratify the Resolutions made at the Community Action Meeting Held on 9th September 2021 and change of name of Festivities Committee,
Para 45- It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Gibson and Wood to look at the tree report in depth. Para 46- It was RESOLVED that the Festivities Committee be responsible for the Events Calendar.
TC said that the Festivities Committee was currently composed of Town Councillors (including the Town Clerk), Churches, Rotary, Sessions House and Business Partnership. Cllr Mangion asked if the Task Force were to be included and it was agreed that they would be.
It was RESOLVED to change the name of the Festivities Committee to Events and Tourism Committee.
ACTION -TC to produce new Terms of Reference.
136. Task Force/Welcome Back Fund Update including the Summer Market held.
Cllr Mangion reported that the Summer Market had gone well and there had been good support at the beginning and end. The High Street people wished that it become an annual event with more markets. They were well supported by Ophelia Gamble and Wendy Walker and this was supposed to be a blue print which could be followed.
ACTION – TC order planters and plants
137. Churchyard Wall update and to consider how the grassed area could be used for public benefit once transferred from ELDC.
TC tabled a report including extracts from emails from the various contractors. She had designed a form for residents’ consultation on the Public Works Loan. Generally, they had been lucky with the dry weather and work was progressing well. There had been some mortal remains found which were safely stored for reburial at a later date.
There were suggestions of more benches and planters and it was decided to leave in abeyance until the transfer was completed.
TC said that she had been asked by Scorer Hawkins to ask the council wished the railings to be replaced at a cost of £125 per running metre. It was decided that more information was needed.
ACTION- TC to obtain more details on type of fencing with costs and photographs.
138. Live Streaming Finding by Cllr Wood and Cllr Wright
Cllr Wood said they had been looking into it and Cllr Wright said that there were a number of options identified but further information was required.
ACTION- To be placed on the next Full Council Meeting Agenda
139. Publicity Strategy for the Town Council
Cllr Rose was unable to attend the meeting however he had sent an email to say that he was happy to deal with the notice boards and keep the Jubilee Notice Board up to date and said that the council would benefit from a webmaster instead of the clerks’ loading information onto the website.
Cllr Wood suggested a notice board on Halton Road where the telephone box used to be.
TC said that the Market Place board needs to be moved to where it can be put on poles as the Conservation Officer had mentioned this. Cllr Wood also suggested the Recreation Ground.
It was agreed to consider purchasing four boards and that prices were required.
ACTION- TC to obtain prices and to be placed on the Full Council Meeting Agenda
140. Parish Online Software
TC tabled a background report with suggestions of areas which could be distributed to councillors to populated the Spilsby section of the software.
Cllr Mangion had put the agenda item forward to form a group to access and develop the potential of Parish Online.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mangion and Cllr Wood be the inaugural members of the Parish Online Group.
141. Grant Applications
a. It was RESOLVED to donate £200 to the Spilsby Area Group, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
b. It was RESOVLED to donate £500 to the Spilsby Light Night in March 2022
142. Town Council Budget Quarterly Review 2021/22
TC tabled a comprehensive Scribe report. She said that the budget was on track for the year. The CCTV was showing an overspend because of the new system.
143. Provision of electricity supply in Spilsby Market Place for the use of market traders and entertainment events.
Cllr Taylor had tabled a report previously.
Cllr Mangion (reporting as District Councillors) said that ELDC had said the cost would be £4,500 but there may be funding in the next budget. It would be useful for future events.
144. New Computer System for the new CCTV System.
Cllr Taylor tabled a report
It was RESOLVED to purchase a new Computer System at the cost of approximately £300.
145. Monthly Market Stall
Cllr Lowe reported that she had only three volunteers and unless more Councillors came forward to volunteer it would be difficult to man the stall.
It was RESOLVED to stop the monthly market stall and to have an ad hoc one as necessary.
ACTION- TC to cancel market stall until further notice.
146. Village Gates
Cllr Taylor tabled a report.
It was RESOLVED to purchase Village Gates to be placed near the 30mph sings on the A16 in order to reduce excessive speeds.
TC said that the installer had to have the relevant qualification for fixing them in place.
ACTION- TC to contact Cllr Bowkett re next steps.
None of the Councillors wished to attend the LALC AGM
148. LALC Internal Auditors
Cllr Gibson had raised this as he said he felt that certain Councillors were not always comfortable with signing off the AGAR and with this system, it would prove that everything had been adhered to.
TC said that this years’ internal audit had been carried out by Steve Fletcher, the Town Clerk at Mablethorpe, who had trained most of the internal auditors at LALC. She said that he had carried out a very in-depth audit.
It was RESOLVED to use the LALC Internal Auditors at a cost of £220.
ACTION – TC to contact LALC to arrange.
149. Planning applications noted
a. S/165/01253/21 Nelson Mews, Market Street, Spilsby PE23 5JT -approved
b. S/165/0131/21 31 Simpson Street, Spilsby PE23 5LG- approved
c. S/165/01373/21 Plot 1 34 Masonic Lane, Spilsby PE23 5LR -Approval of Reserved Matters
d. S/165/01454/21-Tong Engineering Ltd, Vale Road, Spilsby, PE23 5HE -approved.
150. Orders for Payment
It was RESOLVED to accepts all orders for payment for July/August/Sept 2021. The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm