May 2021 Minutes AM

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Spilsby Town Council held on 4th May 2021 at 7pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr L Day, Cllr M Gibson, Cllr M Holland, Cllr T kemp, Cllr E Lowe, Cllr L Marsh, Cllr D Mangion, Cllr B Rose, Cllr T Taylor, Cllr K Wood, Cllr A Wright
Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk) (TC), Mrs R Ford (Assistant TC), Cllr W Bowkett (LCC)
66. Election of Chairman/Town Mayor for the forthcoming term of office.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Terry Taylor be the Chairman/Town Mayor for the forthcoming term of office.
Cllr Taylor was to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Mayor by Thursday, 6th May 2021.
67. Election of Vice-Chairman/Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming term of office.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Tom Kemp be the Vice-Chairman/Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming term of office.
Cllr Kemp was to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor by Thursday, 6th May 2021.
68. Public Forum
Cllr D Mangion (ELDC District Council) tabled a report.
69. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Haddock due to domestic reasons.
70. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
71. Terms of Reference for Committees
It was RESOLVED to accept the Terms of References for the Committees.
72. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
Some amendments were made to the orders and regulations where amounts had been changed EU Regulations were removed and the replacement regulations entered.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
73. Appointments to Committees of the Council
Allotments/Cemetery | Finance/Policy | Community Action | Personnel |
L Day |
E Lowe |
T Kemp |
L Day |
M Gibson |
M Gibson |
L Day |
L Marsh |
S Haddock |
S Haddock |
M Holland |
A Wright |
M Holland |
D Mangion |
E Lowe |
L Marsh |
B Rose |
L Marsh |
D Mangion |
K Wood |
K Wood |
B Rose |
A Wright |
A Wright |
74. Additional Responsibilities Groups
The following groups were RESOLVED
Policy- M Gibson, B Rose, K Wood Plus Clerk and Deputy CCTV – S Haddock, D Mangion, T Taylor
Play Area- S Haddock, L Marsh, A Wright Tourism – M Holland, E Lowe, D Mangion
Newsletter – M Holland, L Marsh, T Taylor, K Wood, A Wright Festivities – S Haddock, T Kemp, L Marsh, B Rose
Church Wall – E Lowe, T Kemp, T Taylor
75. Extra Duties for Members.
The following groups were RESOLVED
Tree Officers- M Gibson, K Wood Funding Applications – E Lowe, L Marsh Youth Councillors- M Holland
76. Ful Council and Committee Meetings
It was RESOLVED to accept the dates presented.
77. Representatives on Outside Bodies
Spilsby Recreation Ground – D Mangion Poorlands – E Lowe, L Marsh, K Wood
Spilsby & District Twinning – D Mangion, S Haddock Business Partnership – D Mangion, T Taylor, A Wright Grammar School Foundation – M Gibson
78. Insurance
It was RESOLVED to accept the cost for the forthcoming year as £1072.57.
TC reported that the insurance the insurance company had confirmed that the churchyard wall was covered to £500,000 and would come under ‘buildings’ not ‘fences and gates.
ACTION – TC to circulate insurance documents to Councillors.
79. Review of Assets Registers
Cllr Kemp said that it was a working document and not a definitive list. Cllr Mangion asked why the churchyard wall was not on the list and TC said that it was not an asset owned by the Council and that it is a liability not an asset. Cllr Rose confirmed that this was the case.
80. Mayor’s Allowance for the Civic Year 2021/22
It was RESOLVED that the Mayor’s Allowance be £850 for the year 2021/22.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<end of the Annual Meeting of the Town Council >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council
81. Notes from Previous Meetings
a Full Council Meeting 25th March 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting.
b. Extra Ordinary Meeting 8th April 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes a s true record of the meeting
82. Reports from the Town Mayor and Town Clerk
The Mayor tabled a report of his activities
The Town Clerk tabled a report of her activities
83. End of Year Accounts 2020/21
It was RESOLVED to accept the end of year accounts 202/21
Cllr Bowkett arrived at 8pm
84. Community Speed Watch Initiative.
Cllr Day said that when the initiative started it had taken off very well. There have been two lockdowns and the team were now looking for more volunteers as the sessions can start again. Cllr Gibson said that it had been very effective and it slowed people down. Cllr Taylor said that it could relaunch and put details on Facebook and the website. Cllr Day said that more positive volunteers were needs. Cllr Marsh thought it needed more advertising via the local press and perhaps that one of the team could act as a trainer. Cllr Wood suggested making a video to advertise and would make people aware of who the councillors are. She volunteered to make the video.
ACTION – Cllr Day to contact the CSW co-ordinator and to write an article for the next newsletter.
85. Sir John Franklin plaques
ACTION- TC to contact ELDC re renovating the existing plaque.
ACTION- Cllr Wood to contact Cooplands to ask for permission to erect a blue plaque and to ask for a donation.
Cllr Holland said that the cost could perhaps come out of the Welcome Back Fund and that he would mention it at the next meeting.
Cllr Rose said that donations could be asked for. Cllr Day said that if funds could not be raised that the Town Council pay for it.
It was RESOLVED to purchase a blue plaque to commemorate the birth place of Sir John Franklin at a cost of £122.45 and to accept a donation from Charles Tong of £200.00
86. Purchase of lamp post poppies
It was considered a good idea to purchase them for the 100 years of the Royal British Legion and 80 years of the Spilsby Branch. The cost was £3.00.
ACTION – Cllr Holland to count the number of lamp posts.
87. Churchyard Wall Investigation Update
Cllr Rose and Cllr Haddock were still investigating the liabilities and insurance. Cllr Rose reported that they had contacted quite a number of people and remarked on how helpful people had been. He said that he had researched the ‘church’ side and Cllr Haddock, the ‘insurance’ side.
He thanked the Town Clerk and Deputy for all their help and said that he would bring the findings back to the Council when he has them.
88. Publicity Strategy.
Cllr Rose tabled a report.
He said that he thought that further notice boards were required and that the Jubilee Notice Board needed a refurbishment. He said that he felt some help was required with putting notices up and help with the website as the clerks were very busy and this would relieve the pressure. He said that he would be quite happy to keep the notice boards up to date. He said that new boards similar to the Allotment Notice Boards would be £100.00 each.
Cllr Holland said that they did need a revamp and suggested one at the entrance to the cemetery. He agreed that it was definitely something that needed doing. Cllr Taylor asked if anyone would like to take on the social media and Cllr Wood volunteered to look after the Facebook Page.
Cllr Wright said that he would be happy to help with the Council website and already runs Spilsby on-line.
Cllr Taylor said that the Council does not express itself loudly enough.
89. Contract Cleaner
TC tabled a report
It was RESOLVED to change the contract cleaner to H Tucker.
90. Report from the meeting regarding Mental Health Projects and other issues.
Cllr Wood tabled a report
Cllr Wood said that there was to be a drop-in day at the New Life Centre on the 10th May. She reported that David Bruce of New Life was putting in a Freedom of Information Request to LCC regarding funding.
Cllr Bowkett said that the funding is not the same now and that Magna Vitae are doing all the funding via ELDC.
91. Planning Permissions
Full Planning Permission S/165/00153/21- repairs to St James’ Churchyard wall
Outline Planning Permission refused S/165/00974/20- land rear of 32 Queen Street.
92. Orders for Payment
It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment for April/May 2021. The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm