July 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 22nd July 2021 at 7pm in the Main Hall, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby
Present: Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman), Cllr L Day, Cllr M Gibson, Cllr M Holland, Cllr T Kemp, Cllr D Mangion
Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk) (TC), Mrs R Ford (Deputy Town Clerk) (DTC), Public Session
Cllr W Bowkett (LCC County Councillor) sent a report which was tabled Cllr D Mangion (ELDC District Councillor) sent a report which was tabled
It was RESOLVED to move onto the main meeting as there were no press or public in attendance.
118. Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Haddock, Cllr Lowe, Cllr Marsh, Cllr Rose, Cllr Wood and Cllr Wright.
119. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
120. Notes from Previous Meetings
a. Full Town Council Meeting 24th June 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
b. Community Action Meeting 8th July 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
c. Finance and Policy Meeting 15th July 2021
d. It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
121. Reports from Town Mayor, Town Clerk and Representatives on Outside Bodies
The Town Mayor tabled a report of his activities
Good Neighbours Scheme- Cllr Gibson said there was to be a coffee morning at Mary Flynn’s house for the committee and some invited guests.
Community Speed Watch-Cllr Day said that more recruits were need and an article was going in the next edition of the Spilsby Explorer.
The Town Clerk tabled a report on office matters. She also reported that ELDC were going to carry out a deep clean of the public conveniences in the town following complaints as to the condition. There had been a Tree Preservation Order placed on a tree in the Old Vicarage, Church Street.
122. To ratify the Resolutions made at the Community Action Meeting held on 8th July 2021
Para 31-It was RESOLVED to put the table tennis table in the play area. Para 33-It was RESOLVED not to hold a Best Dressed Garden Competition Para 35- It was RESOVLED to allocate £50 to cement the ‘snake’ in.
Para 37- It was RESOLVED to order the blue plaque and that Cllr Wood should order it and copy TC into the email.
Paa 38- It was RESOLVED that Cllr Taylor prepare a proper proposal to put forward to ELDC.
123. To ratify the Resolutions made at the Finance and Policy Meeting held on 15th July 2021
Para 13a- It was RESOLVED to accept the Recruitment and Selection Procedure
Para 13b- It was RESOLVED to accept the Information and Communications Technology Policy Para 13e- It was RESOLVED to accept the Complaints Policy Flowchart with amendment.
Para 13f- It was RESOLVED to accept the Nomination of Mayor and Deputy Mayor Policy with the amendment
Para 14- It was RESOLVED that the 5p rent for Spilsby Recreation Ground for the current year would be waived and that the Recreation Ground be notified by email of the decision and that in future they may be invoiced.
Para 15- It was RESOLVED to accept the Risk Register and that Cllr Gibson and Cllr Wright would set it up.
Para 16- It was RESOLVED that Cllr Gibson be the Councillor who is responsible for overseeing the content of the LCC Parishes Website, Spilsby Section, to ensure that it is kept up to date with the statutory documents of governance.
Para 17- It was RESOLVED to set the budget as £80 to purchase the software necessary to convert PDF to an editable document.
Para 18- It was RESOLVED to keep the cemetery lights in abeyance until next Financial Year and that Cllr Holland for his hard work in researching the products.
Para 19- It was RESOLVED to increase the Cemetery Prices by 5 %.
Cllr Mangion arrived at 7.15pm
124. Task Force/Welcome Back Fund Update
Cllr Mangion reported that there was to be a Summer Market which Ophelia Gamble was co- ordinating the majority of it. There were already 12-14 stalls booked. The plan is to get some signage. Regarding the planters, another quote was required as the cost exceeded £2K. It was planned to have a calendar of events and they would like to merge the Tourism Group and the Task Force Group as it was felt there was duplication of duties. The Welcome Back fund is £250k however most of it has gone to the coast.
Cllr Holland said that he was waiting for a second quote for the planters. He said that the barrier baskets needed to be planted up and that the hanging baskets needed to be lowered and planted before it was too late.
125. Churchyard Wall Update
TC tabled a report.
Cllr Kemp said that the project needs to be started and TC said that she had heard that day the start date had been notified of 6th September 2021. A letter of intent had to be sent to the contractor and that Allbones had been chosen at the contractor. She said that she would need to write to the tenants with the start date.
Cllr Holland said that a Public Works Loan was the best route and to leave funds for other projects. Cllr Mangion said that the Precept had been increased to pay for the repairs however Cllr Kemp said that there were other projects it had been identified.
It was RESOLVED that the Working Group be given authority to get the loan started with the Council giving the final resolution.
126. Live Streaming Findings
It was agreed to defer until the next meeting as neither Councillors were in attendance.
ACTION- to be place on next Full Council Meeting agenda
127. Publicity Strategy for the Town Council
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Holland investigates the cost of notice boards.
TC said that there was already a Community Engagement Policy and this could possibly be incorporated with it.
Cllr Kemp said that the Council need to ensure smart about this.
ACTION- to be placed on the next Full Council Meeting agenda.
128. Arboreal Survey
It was RESOLVED to commission an independent arboreal survey to be carried out on the TOC H Land, Sonney and Spilsby Recreation Ground at a cost of £744.00 by Bluestone Tree and Arb Services.
129. Planning Applications
a. S/165/01454/21-Tong Engineering Extension It was RESOLVED to support the application
b. S/165/01252/21-5 Talbot Close Extension It was RESOLVED to support the application
c. S/165/00754/21-Masonic Lane, 7 dwellings
It was RESOLVED not to support the application as there was a problem with access and concern for the safety of pedestrians.
Planning applications to 2 Magellan Drive and King Edward VI Academy were approved by ELDC
130. Orders for Payment
It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment for June/July 2021