November 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 25th November 2021 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Franklin Hall, Spilsby
Present: Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman), Cllr L Day, Cllr M Gibson, Cllr T Kemp, Cllr L Marsh, Cllr K Wood, Cllr A Wright.
Also Present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk) (TC), Mrs R Ford (Deputy Town Clerk) (DTC), 2 members of the public
Public Session
Cllr Bowkett (LCC County Councillor) sent a report which was tabled and sent her apologies. It was RESOLVED to move onto the main meeting as there were no press in attendance.
164. Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Haddock, Cllr Rose and Cllr Mangion.
165. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
166. Notes from Previous Meetings
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes of the Full Council Meeting 28th October 2021 as a true record of the meeting. TC said that at the last meeting Cllr Mangion had queried that he had given his apologies which were not noted. TC had checked the emails and the apologies were for a different meeting and had confirmed the fact with Cllr Mangion.
167. Reports from Town Mayor, Town Clerk and Representatives on Outside Bodies
The Town Mayor tabled a report of his activities
Town Clerk- Tabled a report of the office activities. She reported that there had been some considerable wind damage to a tree in the Recreation Ground which she had organised the removal of. The tree had a TPO on and permission had been given by ELDC Tree Officer to remove it. The Recreation Ground Trustees offered to pay £200 towards the invoice received of £775.
It was RESOLVED to accept the offer of £200
Grammar School Foundation – Cllr Gibson reported that there were no meetings now until next year. The Spilsby Explorer had an advertisement in for applications and also a new foundation member.
Good Neighbourhood Scheme – Cllr Gibson reported that there was to be a coffee morning on the forthcoming Friday between 10am -12 noon. The team are trying to arrange a meeting with CVS to find more volunteers.
Community Speed Watch – Cllr Day reported that the team had been out. There had been two vehicles without MOT/Tax. More volunteers were needed but with the weather changing it would not be possible to undertake sessions.
Cllr Wood volunteered to take a video and put it on Facebook. Cllr Day said she thought that would be effective.
168. Christmas Lights/Market 27th November 2021
It RESOLVED to cancel the due to the severe weather warnings concerning Storm Arwen.
The Chairman said that the Council has to be conscious of the public’s safety. TC said that the motifs and the sphere lights still had to be installed and this would be rectified as soon as the contractor had the opportunity.
169. Churchyard Wall Update
Churchyard Wall Team tabled a report
The Chairman said that the rebuild had gone well and said how good the contractors had been and done a really good job. He said that there had been a slight saving on the overall cost however the final figures were still to come in. He said that it had become apparent that a pier needed to be rebuilt. This had been covered with vegetation and it had not been apparent when investigations first started. The architects had asked if the pier should be rebuilt as part of the project.
It was RESOLVED that the pier be rebuilt.
The tenant at No 1 Old Market Avenue had sent a correspondence saying that they were not happy that the garden be made good with soil and grass seed and had requested turf, membrane and gravel or concrete. The councillors agreed that it should be ‘like for like’ replacement and
that the garden had been originally grass on soil prior to the work being undertaken. It was RESOLVED that the garden be made good with grass seed and soil.
170. Floral Planter Community Project
Cllr Wood said that she was going to design some forms to take out in the New Year to the schools. She had received the dimensions from TC and would look at cost.
TC said that the planters were arriving on the 14th December.
171. Transfer of Assets from East Lindsey District Council
Cllr Kemp said that the Council have to be careful about what it takes on. Some things can be a liability rather than an asset. Cllr Wood suggested a separate meeting to discuss thoroughly. The Chairman said that there was a lot to be considered when taking on assets. If the Council took on the car parks, there were the parking machines to consider and the enforcement would cost and new machines were expensive. Cllr Wood said that if ever the High Street was pedestrianised, it might be useful to have the land. Cllr Kemp said that a plan was needed for the finance.
It was RESOLVED to hold a separate meeting on the 20th January 2022.
ACTION- TC to send the brochure out to Councillors
172. Expansion of the Play Area to make provision for up to 18th year olds and a plan of action for the refurbishment of the Play Area resurfacing and upgrade.
Cllr Wood suggested moving items around and getting items in for old children such as a zip wire. The Chairman suggested a submission to the Grants Officer at ELDC.
ACTION – TC to speak to Skegness TC to see how they got the funding for their refurbishment. Cllr Marsh said the new development may have money to fund the project.
173. Campaign to Protect Rural England
TC explained that she had received a letter from CPRE asking for support as there was no active CPRE in Lincolnshire and CPRE are keen to revive interest.
There are lots of walking groups and green spaces. Cllr Wood said that its about being more conscious of surroundings.
ACTION – TC to put promote on website and in next Spilsby Explorer and to send to U3A for their input
174. Current Budget Forecast Outcomes, approve the budget for 2022/23 and set the Precept for 2022/23 Financial Year
TC tabled the current budget and said that it was fairly much in line with expenditure. She said that there would not be any money left in Reserves at all and there may be a shortfall due to the unforeseen expenditures on the Churchyard Wall of approximately £15K. She continued that it may be possible to borrow the shortfall from ELDC or another Council if the Public Works Loan does not go ahead. Further consultation with the residents had been sent out in the Explorer.
She said that she had applied for the VAT refund and this was £14K. It was RESOLVED to accept the budget for 2022/23
Councillors felt it prudent to increase the Precept to put some money back into the Reserves fund and also to undertake the Play Area Project. To set an increase of 10% would see an increase of approximately £1.00 a month on a Band D property based on a Tax Base of 888.
It was RESOLVED to set the Precept for 2022/23 at £125,000.
175. Grant Applications
The following applications were made and awarded as stated;-
a. Spilsby Lunch Club £250. RESOLVED
b. The Fire Fighters Charity-Cllr Marsh said that this was the national charity and suggested that that a grant be given to the local branch and could make the donation to the Santa Sleigh fund raising. RESOLVED to give to local branch £250. Cllr Marsh abstained as having an interest
c. Rotary Club for Bike Night- TC said that it could come out of the Tourism Budget. Cllr Wright felt very strongly that Rotary were told a long time ago that it should be the local businesses to support the event who make a lot of money out of the event.
Mr Chambers (Chairman of the Business Partnership) said that the businesses did contribute £500. Cllr Marsh suggested match funding the businesses. Cllr Wood proposed £250. RESOLVED
d. St James’ Church Clock Project (under PCA 1959 s2) £250 RESOLVED
176. Archway Signs ongoing maintenance
ELDC will pay for the proposed Archway Signs however the Council need to agree to undertake any maintenance required.
Alan Chamber (BP) said that planning consent was required and agreements from the owners of the building. ELDC were arranging these to be undertaken.
It was RESOLVED that the ongoing maintenance of the Archway Signs be undertaken by the Council.
177. Cultural and Arts Workshop
TC reported that she had attended the workshop via conferencing. She was disappointed that the aims of the workshop were not clear in the invitation and it had only been received three days before the event. She had complained to ELDC about the event and felt that, had there been a clearer brief then it would have been more useful. The consultancy who had facilitated the workshop were going to contact for a one to one session so that TC could tell them about all the facilities within the town and the events which happen.
178. Orders for Payment
It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment for October/November 2021.
179. Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
It was RESOLVED to move to closed session
It was RESOLVED to pay TC 40 hours overtime which had accrued from February 2021 It was RESOLVED to accept the co-option form from Mark Gale to be a Town Councillor
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm