June 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 24th June 2021 at 7pm in the Main Hall, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby
Present; Cllr Terry Taylor (Chairman), Cllr L Day, Cllr M Gibson, Cllr M Holland, Cllr T Kemp, Cllr E Lowe, Cllr L Marsh, Cllr D Mangion, Cllr K Wood, Cllr A Wright
Also present: Mrs Y Smith (Town Clerk) (TC)
Public Session
Cllr W Bowkett (LCC County Councillor) sent a report which was tabled Cllr D Mangion (ELDC District Councillor) sent a report which was tabled.
It was RESOLVED to move onto the main meeting as there were no press or public in attendance.
96. Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Haddock (shielding) and Cllr Rose (shielding)
97. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
98. Notes from Previous Meetings
a. Annual Meeting of the Town Council 4th May 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
b. Allotments and Cemetery Meeting 6th May 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
c. Extra ordinary Meeting of the Town Council 27th May 2021
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes as a true record of the meeting
99. Reports from Town Mayor, Town Clerk and Representatives on Outside Bodies
The Town Mayor tabled a report of his activities The Town Clerk tabled a report on office matters
Recreation Ground-Cllr Mangion reported that there was an initiative dealing with the recreation ground. A meeting with the CEO of Magna Vitae had taken place where ideas for funding were raised. There was an idea to have a multipurpose ground and looking at a having a temporary skate board park. Another meeting has been planned for the end of August, beginning of September. He said that the group have to concentrate on what is feasible.
Grammar School Foundation- Cllr Gibson reported that all applications had gone through and that there would be a meeting later in the year.
Poorlands – There had been a pay out on the 19th June and the next meeting was due for November.
Twinning- nothing had been scheduled for the summer due to the pandemic.
Good Neighbours Scheme – Cllr Gibson said that it was ticking over and that they are trying to arrange a meeting to help with recruitment. The team had wanted to arrange a garden party but this may prove difficult in the current climate. Cllr Gibson said that he can now access the GNS website so he can monitor things more easily.
Cllr Day said that there is a Community Network Group for people who need help and that David Bruce of the New Life Centre was trying to compile a list of all relevant agencies so that people could be signposted to the relevant help.
Community Speed Watch – Cllr Day said that there have been some new volunteers who have had the zoom training and permission has been given for the trained members to deliver the practical training.
Business Partnership – Cllr Taylor said that membership take up was poor. Cllr Mangion said that he had not heard of anyone having major problems accessing the grants. The Task Force wanted to have a town map however only four businesses had signed up to it.
100. To ratify the Resolutions made at the Allotments and Cemetery Meeting 6th May 2021
Para 18 (a) Replacement Water Pipe- it was RESOLVED that this was no longer required. Para 19 -It was RESOLVED to divide plots 21 and 28 to provide two new plots to meet with current demand.
TC reported that the plots had now been let.
Para 20 – It was RESOLVED to increase the Allotment rent to 7p per square metre as from 7th October, 2021 with a 1p increase each year until 10p is reached. It will then be capped at 10p. Para 21 - It was RESOLVED to amend the current policy to cover all Health & Safety aspects of Bonfires on the Allotments.
Para 22 - It was RESOLVED to utilize a spare gate to make 2nd entrance on allotment secure.
101. Task Force/ Welcome Back Fund Update
Cllr Mangion reported that planters and bicycle racks have been requested out of the funding. He said that there was some money left from the Opening Up Fund. Regarding the Welcome Back, there had been some rebranding of shops and he said that some parts of town are looking smart now.
He continued that the team were due to meet with Ophelia Gamble and Lisa Collins (ELDC) in the next few days. The money does not have to be spent until March 2022 and the team need to look at what is required.
Cllr Wood suggested merging the Task Force with the Tourism Group in the future.
102. St James’ Churchyard Wall
a. Update from Cllr Kemp- at the last Council meeting, Carr Heritage had been nominated however they cannot complete the work until a certain date. Scorer Hawkins are now in contact with Allbones, who were the second choice to discuss a start time. The Party Wall Notices have been issued and TC is wating for them to come back. Cllr Mangion was concerned about the funding for the work. Cllr Kemp assured that several avenues had been researched including a Public Works Loan or a loan from another Council.
b. Statement of findings regarding the insurance tabled by Cllr Rose and Cllr Haddock- Cllr Wood asked for a record vote to be taken as per Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12 para 13 (2).
For- Cllrs Kemp, Holland, Gibson, Wright, Marsh, Day, Lowe and Taylor. Against – Cllrs Mangion and Wood.
It was RESOLVED to accept the statement of findings
c. Churchyard Wall Collapse Statement
It was RESOLVED to approve the Churchyard Wall Collapse Statement for inclusion in the Spilsby Explorer Newsletter1.
(1FCM Minutes 25th February 2021 para 36 refers)
A separate Facebook page was discussed and Cllr Wright volunteered to put it on Spilsby On-line after the statement was issued.
103. CCTV Installation
TC tabled a report
It was RESOLVED to approach the owner of 17 High Street Spilsby (Age UK) to allow the installation of a CCTV system with the second site as being Tinn Criddle 6 High Street Spilsby.
104. Outdoor Power Point on the Public Conveniences.
Cllr Wright said that Boston had electrical points for the markets and should the council look to having more sockets. Cllr Wood proposed investigating what Cllr Wright had said.
TC said that she had spoken with the contractor who had installed the defibrillator and that a socket could be installed for £100 and that she had written to ELDC to ask if the extra electricity cost could be calculated. Cllr Taylor suggested writing to the Chief Executive of ELDC, Rob Barlow, regarding this.
It was RESOLVED to continue with the single power point and look into more points at a later time.
ACTION-to be placed on the next Community Action Agenda.
105. Cemetery Lights Update
Cllr Holland report that he had received three quotations of similar amounts which were £6K for four solar lights with dimming sensors.
ACTION- to be placed on next Finance and Policy Agenda.
106. Update on Local Government Devolution White Paper Report
Cllr Mangion said that the question will arise in the next year or two but not at the moment. When the options become clear, then the Council will need to have options. It may be that there would be one unitary council plus a town council.
107. Live Stream of Council Meetings
Cllr Wood tabled a report.
Cllr Wood said that they do it at East Lindsey and it was a way of communicating. She said North Hykeham do it. TC said that she had contact North Hykeham as Cllr Wood had suggested and they were no longer doing it as it was too expensive. Cllr Kemp said that the report said there was no cost however equipment would be needed. Cllr Marsh said that the cost had to be proportionate to how many residents would view it.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Wood and Cllr Wright investigate further and look at the feasibility and the costs to be brought back to the next Full Council Meeting.
108. Annual Governance Statement Part 1 2020/21
The statement was completed and agreed for all statements to be true.
109. Annual Governance Statement Part 2 2020/21
It was RESOLVED to accept the statement and for the Chairman and Town Clerk to sign the declarations.
110. Budget Update for the first quarter of the year 2020/21
It was RESOLVED to accept the budget update.
TC tabled a report
It was RESOLVED that office opening hours be Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am to 12.30pm
111. Formation of Open Spaces Team
TC tabled a report
Cllr Mangion was concerned that Councillors would be expected to heavy maintenance work however it was explained that the maintenance contract covered this and that it the team would co-ordinate actions and encourage volunteers.
Cllr Lowe had suggested previously to have a ‘Friends of Spilsby’ group.
It was RESOLVED that an Open Spaces Team be formed to be responsible for Town Council land and Spilsby Sparkle Day. Cllr Lowe and Cllr Holland to head the team.
ACTION- Councillors wishing to be part of the team to contact Cllr Lowe and Holland.
112. Finance
TC tabled a report
a. it was RESOLVED to approve the regular payments made by Direct Debit and for contractors
b. it was RESOLVED to approve the use of BACS or FPO for payments as per Finance Regulations para 6.9.
113. Fruit Tree planting on A16.
It was agreed that Cllr Wood would investigate three options and give the findings to the Community Action Committee at the next meeting.
ACTION- Cllr Wood
114. Thorpe Culvert Railway Station request for funding.
It was RESOLVED to reject the request as it was not of sufficient benefit to the residents of Spilsby.
115. Apology Protocol
TC tabled a report
Cllr Mangion said that most councils accept apologies and felt that the apology should be accepted if it was sent before the meeting. He said that the it was a Council working day and that the Clerks should be available. Cllr Wright proposed that emails should be accepted before 5pm and voicemail up to 7pm. Cllr Holland said that the council should be looking at good practice.
Cllr Wright said there is o expectation that the clerk should check at 5pm. If the apology was received after 5pm then it should not count.
Cllr Holland said that it was good practice for apologies to be accepted by 5pm. Apologies after this may not be picked up until the next day.
It was RESOLVED that apologies must be received by 5pm to be included in the apologies for the meeting.
116. Orders for Payment
It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment for May/June 2021
117. Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
It was RESOLVED to move to closed session to discuss staff matters.
It was RESOLVED to promote the Assistant Clerk to Deputy Clerk with immediate effect It was RESOLVED that the Deputy Clerk should be placed on Spine Point 18
It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk should be placed on Spine Point 25.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm