FC April 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 25th April 2019 at 7.05pm in the Council Chamber, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby
Cllr M Gale (Chairman)
Cllr M Gibson
Cllr M Holland
Cllr T Kemp
Cllr L Marsh
Cllr T Taylor
Cllr A Wright
Also present: Mrs Smith (Town Clerk) Cllr R Williams (ELDC) Canon Peter Coates
Cllr Pears absent
2 members of the public
Cllr Wright raised some highways issues which had been given to him by a resident who was unable to attend. He asked why Shamfields had been resurfaced and also if anything was being done about the speeding on Ashby Road. The Clerk to investigate and contact LCC. Cllr Taylor said that Vale Road needs reconstructing.
ACTION- Clerk to arrange Community Speed Watch training.
As there were no members of the public wishing to raise any matters Cllr Kemp moved to start the meeting early, seconded by Cllr Holland. This was agreed.
The Chairman moved the agenda item regarding the Church Wall to the first item.
35. Update on the Church Wall
Canon Coates was invited to sit at the Council table for the discussions.
Canon Coates said that the wall rebuild has to go through planning as well as the faculty. He had asked for funding and because it has been handed to the Town Council, it is their problem. The wall needs to be rebuilt by what the architectural engineer has suggested. The Council needs to get a professional view and some quotations for work via that advisor. The wall could be repaired with anchors or a wall behind. There are also some health and safety issues with the steep drop and something needs to be done about that.
Cllr Taylor said that the Council had started the ball rolling with the experts and realised that it would be taking a lot of the Council’s funds. He suggested getting all interested parties together. Cllr Kemp asked what the Church’s role in this was. Canon Coates said that there is a need for a faculty and it needs to be in keeping with health and safety and quality. Cllr Kemp asked if it would be possible to have a minimum specification and if there is someone who can tell the Council what it needs to do. The Clerk suggested contacting the architect again. Cllr Gale said that the Council will contact the architect and seek advice and then have a meeting. Cllr Mangion said that this was not a job that can be done by one person and the Council may need to raise money again. He suggested that there is a sub-committee. Cllr Taylor suggested having an open meeting for the residents.
36. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Iremonger (unwell) Cllr Hodgson (unwell) Cllr Wood (family commitment).
37. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
38. Notes of previous meetings
It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record from the meetings
a. Full Council Meeting held on 28th March 2019
b. Allotments/Cemetery Meeting 4th April 2019
39. To receive reports from Town Mayor, Town Council’s working groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk
Mayor- Cllr Gale said that he would be attending the Twinning AGM on the 29th April. On the 1st May he had been invited to attend an open day at the Halton Holgate Residential home and on the 12th May he would be attending the Rainbows 30th Anniversary meeting.
Recreation Ground- Cllr Gale said that the next meeting is due on the 3rd May.
Twinning- The Clerk reported that there would be a trip to Fresnay from 5th-8th July and that the Twinners from Bassum would be visiting from 19th-22nd July. Preparations were under way for both. Cllr Gale and Cllr Taylor said that they will be going to Fresnay.
Good Neighbourhood Scheme- Cllr Gibson reported that there had been a Coffee Morning on Good Friday and it had raised £87. The group are still getting people trained. There will be a meeting on the next Monday. The main use of the scheme at the moment is taking people to hospital appointments.
Town Clerk- The Clerk explained that she had not had time to table a report due to annual leave. She had attended a VAT Training Course via LALC and would write a report. The Clerk had received ‘Thank You’ letters from the Citizens Advice and Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society
ACTION- Scan letters to Councillors and put on the Council Website
40. Highways Issues
The Clerk read out the traffic restriction for bike night
ACTION- Put on Facebook and the Council Website.
She said that the Boston Road path had been reported. Cllr Mangion said that there should be a 20mph zone on Ashby Road where the school children come out. He said that the footpaths and the roads are not good in the town.
ACTION-Clerk to contract Cllr Bowkett with the concerns
41. Allotments/Cemetery Committee Meeting 4th April 2019
It was RESOLVED to ratify the recommendations made.
42. Community Value Assets Register
Cllr Holland explained the process of registration and the benefit to the town. He said that the areas of the town that have a social benefit for the community have to be mapped out. This will need a long-term plan and that a list has to be made of the items in the area which should be placed on the register. Cllr Mangion said that there are some empty shops and suggested that Cooplands be registered as Franklin’s birth place. Cllr Gale suggested emailing the Councillors and getting feedback. Cllr Gibson said that some rural areas have bought pubs and run them to keep them open.
ACTION-Cllr Holland to contract Councillors
43. Email address format for Town Councillors
Cllr Wright said that the Council had been talking about this for some time and Councillors need to have separate email address to their personal ones. He said that he had looked into different emails and that ‘gmail’ was the best option. The format should be;-
He continued that if there is a Freedom of Information request, they can ask for all of the personal emails.
The Clerk said that this would make them GDPR compliant. After a long discussion, Cllr Holland Proposed that the suggestion Cllr Wright had made be adopted and that the Town Clerk sets the accounts up and emails them to the Councillors.
It was RESOLVED that the format of the emails should be as suggested.
44. Grant application from Little Heros Autism Group
An application had been received which stated that it would only benefit 2 children from the Spilsby. After a discussion it was RESOLVED not to make a grant.
ACTION- Town Clerk to write and explain the decision.
45. Orders for Payment and Income March/April 2019
It was RESOLVED to accept all orders for payment.
46. Exclusion of Public and Press
It was RESOLVED to move to closed session to consider agenda item 12-Administration Matters.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm