Full Council January 2021 Agenda



21st January 2021


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend an extra ordinary meeting of the Full Council to be held on Thursday January 28th 2021 commencing at 7.00 pm.


Any resident wishing to attend via virtual meeting should apply to the Town Clerk for the login and password details.





(Town Clerk)



  1. Apologies for Absence (BS)  


To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.


  1. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011-being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written request for dispensation.                                                                                       (ALL)


  1. To approve as a correct record the notes of the; -
    1. Ordinary Council Meeting 26th November 2020
    2. Extra Ordinary Council Meeting 5th January 2021
    3. Finance and Policy Meeting 7th January 2021
    4. Community Action Meeting 21st January 2021                                                   (5 mins)


  1. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor and Town Clerk (oral, tabled and as attached)                                                                                                                                (5 mins)


  1. To ratify the resolutions made at the Finance & Policy Meeting 7th January 2021(10 mins)


  1. To ratify the resolutions made at the Community Action Meeting 21st January 2021(10 mins)      


  1. To review and confirm the consultee comments for the application for outline planning permission for the Spila Field Development (S/165/02238/20)                                  (20 mins)


  1. To consider and the approve the purchase of signage for Franklin Passage and Franklin Gardens at an estimated cost of £180 to enable emergency services to locate homes (5 mins)


  1. To approve the purchase of a plain clear Perspex desk divider to act as a cough screen in the council office at a cost of £153 plus £25 shipping to protect staff.                             (5 mins)


  1. To consider the Transfer of Assets from East Lindsey District Council as proposed in the list received.                                                                                                            (15 mins)        
  2. To consider approval of works to be carried out on trees within the Spilsby Conservation Area at the Old Vicarage. (emailed 11/1/21)                                                                                 (5 mins)


  1. To consider a grant to the Citizens Advice Lindsey following receipt of request via letter (emailed 22/1/21)                                                                                                           (5 mins)


  1. To approve the grant to the Rotary Club of Spilsby towards the cost of Bike Night as discussed at the Precept and Budget Meeting held on 3rd December 2020                             (3 mins)


  1. To receive Task Force Update                                                                                   (5 mins)          


  1. To receive Church Wall Update and to consider a Public Works Loan to cover some of the cost (report to be tabled)                                                                                                    (10 mins)


  1. To consider the repair of the cemetery light including reconnection to the power supply

(report to be tabled with costings)(5 mins)



  1. To review the system of nomination for Chairman/Mayor of Spilsby Town Council

(report to be tabled)(10 mins)


  1. Planning Permissions to note
    1. S/165/01769/20 20 Ashby Meadows, Erection of domestic garage
    2. S/165/02070/20 Land adjacent Former Barley Services- Erection of bungalow (1 mins)


  1. To authorise the signing of orders for payment and to note income December 2020 /January 2021                                                                                                                                    (3 mins)