Full Council November 2021 Agenda


1. Apologies for Absence (BS)

To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011-being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written request for dispensation. (ALL)

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Town Council Meeting 28th October 2021

4. To receive brief reports from the Town Mayor, Town Council’s workings groups, representatives on outside bodies and the Town Clerk (oral, tabled and as attached) (15 mins)

5. To receive update on the Christmas Lights/Market for 27th November 2021 (Team) (5mins)

6. To receive Churchyard Wall Update (to be tabled) (Team) (5 mins)

7. To receive update on the Planter Community Project (5mins KW)

8. To consider the transfer of assets from East Lindsey District Council as previously tabled (15 mins)

9. To consider the expansion of the play area to make provision up to 18-year-old and have more items for them (KW)
And to consider a plan of action for the refurbishment for the play area resurfacing and upgrade
(10 mins)

10. To consider the contents of the letter received from the Campaign to Protect rural England and consider a plan of action as necessary (10 mins)

11. To receive update on current budget forecast outcomes and to consider and approve the budget for 2022/23 Financial Year and to set the Precept for 2022/23 Financial Year (20 mins)

12. To consider grant applications from; -
a. Spilsby Lunch Club
b. The Fire Fighters Charity
c. Rotary Club for the Bike Night 2022 (under LGA s144)
d. St James’ Church Clock Project (under PCA 1959 s2) (10 mins)

13. To consider undertaking the ongoing maintenance of the archway signs following manufacture

14. To receive report on the Cultural and Arts Workshop attended by the Town Clerk (5 mins)

15. To authorise the signing of orders for payment and to note income Oct/Nov 2021 (3 mins)

16. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters: -

a. Payment of Town Clerks’ overtime
b. Councillor co-option application